Temperature change 0°C to minus 273°C, temperature change 0°C to plus 100°C, pop songs, transformation, eagles, flight path, satellites, infinite and finite action studies (2 kiss each other), current

by Jorinde Voigt

The notation is composed of elements that have a symbolic character in society or are decisive for a description of civilisation or their surroundings. These elements are linked in the fourteen drawings of the work "O.T. 1-14,“ when – at some specific point - the course of one element's activity triggers, stops, disturbs or unites into an apparatus that of another. The notation occurs as a structure of growth or as an order of events repeated over and over, which is depicted as additive or otherwise proportional. The grouping of the apparatuses is determined by their spatial and temporal relationships to each other. An exact location of the events arises from the fixing of velocity, direction, duration, quantity and temperature. The individual apparatuses used for the drawings register various data including temperature change from 0°C to minus 273°C in outer space, a temperature change from 0° C to 100° C, programming structures for pop songs, crashes, eagles, flight paths, electrical current, satellites, and infinite and finite patterns of action (2 Kiss Each Other).


The increasing width of the drawings by constants of 10cm reflects the pattern of growth and the change in temperature. The same aspect can also be found in the cumulative structure of the pop song elements and "2 Kiss Each Other.”

Temperature Change

The first temperature change begins at 0°C in the first drawing and reaches a temperature of minus 273°C, the temperature in outer space, in the tenth drawing. The second temperature change occurs in the last two drawings and ranges between 0°C and 100°C. The spreading temperature change is notated in a structure that is equivalent to the most obvious method of linking several points in order to achieve stability. The resulting "net” is subject to modifications; stability waxes and wanes, moments of crystallisation occur, reversals happen, etc. The temperature change defines the space it passes through as heterogeneous by altering its form.

Pop Songs

Commercial pop songs (top 100 hits) are a recurring element in the drawings. Pop songs function as a consumable and easily accessible mnemonic for private and collective emotionality. The listing shows the songs' popularity and thereby indicates the condition of the system that generates popularity.

Pop Songs Bar by Bar

The pop-song apparatuses, which are notated bar by bar, are synchronised to the respective bar of each particular song and therefore shorter or longer; their position varies every time they are updated.
In music, bar is used to signify a given number of beats of a given duration, usually identical with the basic rhythm. Wikipedia The notation of the pop songs in the drawings is made according to bars, because the bar serves as a noted / conceived / sensed, fundamental framework for every piece of real music. The individual bar stands for the smallest rhythmic unit in music, through which the rhythm of a piece of music is defined.

The notation of the pop songs in the scores is based on the following basic structure:

Title 1, Bar 1
Title 2, Bar 1 Title 2, Bar 2
Title 3, Bar 1 Title 3, Bar 2 Title 3, Bar 3

The pop song – elements in the drawings (top 1-100 hits) produce a programmable structure. A concrete sound is produced when the songs are fed into a computer, which varies slightly with each update. The highest titles on the list have comparatively little influence, while the lowest titles have far more.


During the course of the pop song drawings, transformations are embedded, which lead to a different hierarchical structure of the apparatuses. The transformation of the bar into lines translates the individual bar for a particular section into pure information.


The eagle stands for every characteristic of the eagle. The notation "eagle” encompasses all the connotations of its different symbolic, mythological, heraldic, and biological origins. As a symbol, the eagle is a varied and loaded concept. It is one of the favourite heraldic animals. It stands for immortality, courage, foresight, and power. In mythology, the Greeks associated the eagle with Zeus, the Romans with Jupiter, and the Germanic peoples with Odin. In our present-day society it is omnipresent as the symbol of the Federal Republic of Germany. A total of 13 countries have chosen the eagle as a national symbol.

From the biological point of view, in German-speaking areas the word eagle is a trivial term for any large, threatening bird of prey. Reference to a bird of prey as an eagle is historical in origin and usually refers to large, noble-looking (“edel”) species with a broad wingspan.

Flight Paths

In the score, an eagle takes off with every bar and describes a space with its flight path and height. While all the eagles start concurrently, their flight is directed towards a target line that has been laid out in a linear fashion. Therefore, the flock of eagles re-sorts itself in mid flight, altering from a non-linear to a temporally linear formation.


On the one hand, the element of low and medium earth orbit satellites defines a particular point above the earth's surface with movable positions. On the other hand, the element locates the presence of machinery that is simultaneously responsible for communication, cartography, weather, military operations and surveillance, and repeatedly circles the earth.

Patterns of Action (2 Kiss Each Other)

The action patterns of “2 Kiss Each Other” are registered partially as infinite action, partially as infinite action; in minutes or seconds.
The individual stages of the action are always formed alternately from the duration (of the kiss) and the temporal and/or spatial intervals between the kisses (from the previous action to the next). The number of actions (of the kissing couples) corresponds numerically to the temporal intervals.
Different rules can be constructed for the combination of the parameters duration, temporal interval, spatial distance, and number, thereby making many variations possible. The number of kisses can be equated with the duration instead of the distance, or - numerically – it can occupy a place in the sequence itself.

Infinite Action (2 Kiss Each Other)

The results noted as infinite action are based on the Fibonacci–sequence
(meaning that the first two figures were given the values zero and one).
Every number after that is the sum of its two preceding numbers.
We thus get the following sequence:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 832040, 1346269. ..)

In the drawing, the Fibonacci-sequence is composed from the elements of duration, temporal interval, spatial distance, and number. For example:

1 min. (duration of the kiss),
1 min. (temporal distance from the next action = at the same time, the number of kissing couples),
2 min. (duration of the kiss),
3 min. (temporal distance from the next action = at the same time, the number of kissing couples),
5 min. (duration of the kiss),
8 min. (temporal distance from the next action = at the same time, the number of kissing couples),
13 min. (duration of the kiss),
21 min. (temporal distance from the next action = at the same time, the number of kissing couples),
34 min (duration of the kiss),
55 min. (temporal distance from the next action = at the same time, the number of kissing couples),
89 min. (duration of the kiss), etc.

Finite action (2 Kiss Each Other)

For the finite patterns of action, number sequences are counted against each other. For example:
11-00, 10-01, 09-02, 08-03, 07-04, 06-05, 05-06, 04-07, 03-08, 02-09, 01-10, 00-11

The translation into the pattern of action is formulated as follows:

2 kiss each other for 10 min. (duration)
after 1 min. (temporal interval = number of couples)
2 kiss each other for 9 min. (duration)
after 2 min. (temporal interval = number of couples)
2 kiss each other for 8 min. (duration)
after 3 min. (temporal interval = number of couples)
2 kiss each other for 7 min. (duration)
after 4 min. (temporal interval = number of couples)
2 kiss each other for 6 min. (duration)
after 5 min. (temporal interval = number of couples)
2 kiss each other for 5 min. (duration)
after 6 min. (temporal interval = number of couples)
2 kiss each other for 4 min. (duration)
after 7 min. (temporal interval = number of couples)
2 kiss each other for 3 min. (duration)
after 8 min. temporal interval = number of couples)
2 kiss each other for 2 min. (duration)
after 9 min. (temporal interval = number of couples)
2 kiss each other for 1 min. (duration)
after 10 min. (temporal interval = number of couples)
2 kiss each other for 0 min. (duration). So not at all.


In some drawings, electricity is an element that structures the eagle’s flight or the transformation of pop songs, or it serves as a compositional caesura.

Electricity is noted down in the colloquial sense, as a flow of electrons – in other words, as electrical current; as the transfer of electrical energy. The notation adopts the image of electric cables or overland power lines.
The aspects taken up by the notation "electricity“ are the electronic network permeating our civilisation and society’s dependence on this provision of energy as an integral component of our culture.

Rhythm / Repetition / Variation

The element of repetition, duplication, variation and reflection is a motif dealt with in every work. These aspects are revealed in all spheres of perception, from a heartbeat to mutation and evolution, from contemplative processes to suggestion.

Score / Choreography / Storyboard
First and foremost, the method of notation provides a framework within which to visualise things. If one were to read the drawings as mere storyboards or musical or choreography scores, their realisation would soon fail in "real time“ and on the basis of real possibilities. Far more, it is a matter of potentialising whatever is associatively bound to each specific element.
The elements of temperature change, eagles, Pop songs, electricity, etc. are negotiated in a "social” relation to one another. In this way, a concrete spatial constellation is described. This is finally manifest in the individual imagination.