Rania Kliari: Good afternoon, SCOTTY Platform is with us, please tell us your name and what is this year’s concept for Platforms Project 2019?

Linda Weiss: I’m Linda Weiss, a member of our platform which is about fifteen people in Berlin Kreuzberg...

Rania Kliari: ... Linda, if there is a concept for this year, who is participating and how was this procedure?

Linda Weiss: The concept was just, in the beginning, to invite somebody and people who are taking part at Platforms Project, everybody invites a friend or somebody, and then we got the plan for our exhibition space and it’s a passage and therefore we developed quickly a concept which is called “Transition“, and we just thought we make that as a topic and work as far as it is possible on that. And that’s our concept for this year.

Rania Kliari: What medium do we see?...

Linda Weiss: very different media, painting, sculpture, installation, photography, no video this year, but there are a view working with video as well, so I think, drawing, these are our media which we show

Rania Kliari: Can you tell us maybe a bit more about the transition how is your work dealing with?

Linda Weiss: My work started with a quote from Martin Luther King from his last speech before he was murdered, that was, what has felt very, has touched me very much, has made me said, feels like as he had foreseen his death, and I then photographed in a concert somebody from Los Angeles, his name is Jay Rock, he works with Kendrick Lamar, Future, and has worked on a soundtrack from Black Panther, the superhero movie, and performed a song which is called (was) “King’s Dead“, and in this movie the king dies and recovers and conquers his kingdom back, and it’s a very empowering movie, and I felt this is empowering, and also I was working in an office or I’m working in an office and have photographed a document, and this document says “LEBEN Rückkauf“ in German which means “LIFE Redemption“ in English, and this singer Jay Rock has published also an album “Redemption“, and these circumstances, there are so many transitions in these circumstances that I made this photo

Rania Kliari: Nice, it’s not your first time in Platforms Project, you have participated last year?

Linda Weiss: Four times

Rania Kliari: Four times, how is this year? How do you experience it? How do you like it in relation to the public and to the site, to the School of Fine Arts?

Linda Weiss: Last year it was also in Athens School of Fine Arts, I like that environment, it has also an empowering, feel like an empowering situation, and it felt like it’s, the public is increasing, felt like so many so many people there, and I, what I also like all the years before until now is this openness, and that people don’t work on selling, they work on experimental, political often political themes, and it feels that it’s organized from the heart which I really like

Rania Kliari: Thank you very much, wish you the best