In eight videos eleven artists invocate the desire, »le désir«, »das Begehren« as dialectical opposite of cognition. In most of the video works the performers bring an object of desire in an unexpected relation. The longed for object seems to be shifted and displaced by the role-playing and the set: It begins to drift.

The video screening „Stage of Desire“ assembled by Stefan Panhans, Petra Reichensperger and Eske Schlüters challenges the mediation of emotions and conditions and also their possible radius of operations in times of increasing virtualization of feelings and simulation of realities on stage. The interleaving of reality and fiction as well as the film specific self-reflection are the common issues of the invited artists.

Guy Ben-Ner, »Second Nature«
2008, Video, 10:12 min.

Keren Cytter, »Der Spiegel«
2007, Video, 4:50 min.

Stefan Panhans, »If A Store Clerk Gave Me too Much Change«
2009, Video, 15:00 min.

Ming Wong, »Angst Essen«
2008, Video, 27:00 min.

Eske Schlüters, »After the Rehearsal«
2008, Video, 7:30 min.

Ho Tzu Nyen, »The Bohemian Rhapsody Project«
2006, Video, 6:20 min.

Judith Hopf / Deborah Schamoni / Clemens Schönborn, »Elevator Curator«
2005, Video, 20:00 min.

Deborah Ligorio, »Donut To Spiral«
2004, Video, 7:00 min.