Andrea Pichl

at "Turnen: A Vocabulary of Revolutionary Gestures."

private used fences from GDR - time, prints on fabric Stasi people during sports exercises at former gym Stasi, Campus für Demokratie, BStu, Berlin 2019

A site-specific exhibition about dissident bodies in the former gymnastics hall of the Stasi curated by Elske Rosenfeld, with works by Gabriele Stötzer and Wolfgang Scholz in an installation "TSC" by Andrea Pichl
at "Turnen: A Vocabulary of Revolutionary Gestures."

private used fences from GDR - time, prints on fabric Stasi people during sports exercises at former gym Stasi, Campus für Demokratie, BStu, Berlin 2019

A site-specific exhibition about dissident bodies in the former gymnastics hall of the Stasi curated by Elske Rosenfeld, with works by Gabriele Stötzer and Wolfgang Scholz in an installation "TSC" by Andrea Pichl
at "Turnen: A Vocabulary of Revolutionary Gestures."

private used fences from GDR - time, prints on fabric Stasi people during sports exercises at former gym Stasi, Campus für Demokratie, BStu, Berlin 2019

A site-specific exhibition about dissident bodies in the former gymnastics hall of the Stasi curated by Elske Rosenfeld, with works by Gabriele Stötzer and Wolfgang Scholz in an installation "TSC" by Andrea Pichl
"delirious Dinge II" Part II
in "Stadtschlawinereien" at KOW Berlin, 2019

with: Alice Creischer, Dierk Schmidt, Michael E. Smith, Brandlhuber+, Larissa Fassler, Adelita Husni-Bey, Peng!, Andrea Pichl, Andreas Siekmann, Bárbara Wagner & Benjamin de Burca, Weekend & Plaste, et al.
"widerstreben" Part II
in "Stadtschlawinereien" at KOW Berlin, 2019

with: Alice Creischer, Dierk Schmidt, Michael E. Smith, Brandlhuber+, Larissa Fassler, Adelita Husni-Bey, Peng!, Andrea Pichl, Andreas Siekmann, Bárbara Wagner & Benjamin de Burca, Weekend & Plaste, et al.
Installation at studio im HOCHHAUS, Berlin, 2019
Installation at studio im HOCHHAUS, Berlin, 2019
Installation at studio im HOCHHAUS, Berlin, 2019
"delirious Dinge II"
in: "Modell und Ruine", Werkleitz Festival 2019, anlässlich 100 Jahre Bauhaus, Dessau, Georgengarten
"delirious Dinge II"
in: "Modell und Ruine", Werkleitz Festival 2019, anlässlich 100 Jahre Bauhaus, Dessau, Georgengarten
Andrea Pichl
Born in Berlin, Germany
Lives in Berlin, Germany

1991 -97 - Kunsthochschule Berlin, Diploma and Master
1998 Master of Arts, Chelsea College of Art & Design, London


and teaching activities

1998/1999 DAAD Grant, London
2001 Artist Working Grant, The Governing Mayor of Berlin
2002 Grant, Künstlerhaus Schloss Plüschow
2003 Project sponsorship, Hauptstadtkulturfonds
2003,2004 Grant and lectureship, Dorothea Erxleben - Programme, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig
2005 Project sponsorship, Hauptstadtkulturfonds
2006 Lectureship, Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee
2007 Catalogue sponsorship,The Governing Mayor of Berlin
2008 Foreign exchange grant, Cité internationale des arts, Paris,
The Governing Mayor of Berlin
2008-09 Lectureship, The Berlin University of the Arts
faculty design, esthetic praxis
2009 Grant, Künstlerstätte Schloss Bleckede
2011 Grant, Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), Dublin
2013 Catalogue sponsorship, The Governing Mayor of Berlin, published by Sternberg Press
2013 Foreign exchange grant, ISCP New York,
The Governing Mayor of Berlin
2015 -2017 Lectureship at Studium Generale, Berlin University of the Arts
2017 Grant for artistic research, The Governing Mayor of Berlin
2018 Lectureship at Berlin University of Arts, Department Design
2018 Catalogue sponsorship, The Governing Mayor of Berlin, published by Sternberg Press
2019 Lectureship at Berlin University of Arts, Studium Generale

Solo Exhibitions/Projects

2020 "die andere Seite", Berlin Weekly, Berlin
2020 "Exkurs", with Andreas Rost, initiated by solo_xhibit, curated by Adrienne Goehler
2020 eingeladener Kunst-am-Bau-Wettbewerb, Deutsche Botschaft in Moskau

2019 "Vielschichtig. Von der Räumlichkeit der Flächenteilung", Kunstmuseum Dieselkraftwerk Cottbus (dkw), Landesmuseum Brandenburg, curated by Ulrike Kremeier
2019 Studio im HOCHHAUS, with Matthew Burbidge, Berlin

2018 "Ein Beistand" , CNTRM WRNHS, Berlin
2018 "widerstreben", Galerie weisser elefant, Berlin
2018 "Melancholie", in der Reihe: "eine Arbeit vorm Müller", Bar Müller, temporary Art in Public Berlin

2017 „Keine Atempause, Geschichte wird gemacht.“ L40 Kunstverein at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin

2016 Nominated to propose an art in public project for the new construction of the "Proteinzentrum" of Martin-Luther-University, Halle/Saale, Germany
2016 Nominated to propose an art in public project for the new construction of the new campus library at Freie Universität Berlin
2016 Nominated to propose an art in public project for the Pathophysiologielabor und Forschungseinrichtung Experimentelle Medizin, Campus Berlin-Buch

2015 "Andrea Pichl in dialogue with Zoe Leonard", Krome Gallery Luxembourg
2015 "Gun Hill Road", L40, Verein zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
2015 Nominated to propose an art in public project for the Fraunhofer Institute, Munich

2014 "Unterkunft Freiheit" / "Accomodation Freedom"
Moritzburg Art Museum, Kunstmuseum des Landes Sachsen-
Anhalt, Halle (Saale), Germany, (solo catalogue, published by Moritzburg Art Museum)
2014 "Es kömmt drauf an." / "The point is."
Exhibition space of the Metalworkers Union Building (Mendelsohn), in collaboration with Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, Germany
2014 "Dialogue", with Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven, M HKA, Museum for Contemporary Art, Antwerp

2013 "delirious Dinge", Krome Gallery
2013 "zuhause" (at home), GMÜR, Berlin (with Arjan van Helmond)

2012 "es kann immer auch ganz anders sein" (it could be always completely different), Krome Gallery/Do you read me!?, Reading Room, Berlin
2012 "ausschließlich oder" (exclusively or), Krome Gallery, Berlin
2012 "Endliche Folgen." (Limited Outcome), Berlin Weekly, Berlin

2011 "Inherent Shortcomings / Natürliche Mängel" Irish Museum of Modern Art, Process Room, Dublin
2011 "Unendliche Folgen" (Unlimited Outcome), Delikatessenhaus, Leipzig
2011 Entwurf zu eingeladenem Kunst am Bau-Wettbewerb,Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin (Außenraum)

2010 "Aus dem abweichenden Winkel" (From a Deviating Angle), National Gallery Tashkent, Uzbekistan (catalogue)
2010 "Für immer und immer" (For ever and ever), Mies van der Rohe House, Berlin (catalogue, published by Mies van der Rohe House)

2009 "Gefühlssache Revolution" (Revolution: An Emotional Condition) stage design, Volksbühne, Berlin

2008 Fluxus East,” exhibition architecture, Contemporary Art Centre Vilnius, Lithuania; Kumu Art Museum, Tallinn, Estonia, catalogue
2008 "This is the End", Zentralbüro,
(former Polish Cultural Institut), Berlin,

2007 Fluxus East,” exhibition architecture, Künstlerhaus Bethanien
2007 "Form-Fit", Kunsthaus Erfurt

2005 ostPUNK! – too much future - Punk in the GDR, exhibition architecture, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin supported by Capital Cultural Fund (catalogue)

2002 „Postkarte: Berlin“ Goethe Institut Inter Nationes Brüssel
2002 „Renate“, KunstBank Berlin
2002 „stick together team“ Gallery Koch und Kesslau, Berlin

2001 ”100 x 200 x 3000”, permanent installations, Schloßparkklinik, Berlin

2000 ”Spaß an der Arbeit – Freude am Leben”, Städtische Galerie Pankow (catalogue)
2000 Kunstbank, Berlin

1999 ”ca. tausend”, Galerie im Parkhaus

1998 ”Correction”, Gallery Gelbe Musik, Berlin
1998 Ihre Reaktionen sind impulsiv und unkontrolliert; display cases in front of former 'Haus des Lehrers', Alexanderplatz, Berlin
1998 bezeichneten beobachter ... überwiegend uneinheitlich; permanent installation, Tagesspiegel-Building, Berlin

1997 Park-Klinik Berlin, permanent installations

Group Exhibitions

2020 "Ihr. Sentimentalitäten in Deutschland", Kunstraum Potsdam
2020 "Die Balkone", temporary installations initiated by Joanna Warsza and Övül Durmusoglu, Berlin
2020 "Alles III", studio im hochhaus, Berlin

2019 "Turnen: A Vocabulary of Revolutionary Gestures" BStU (former Stasi-Zentrale), Berlin
2019 "Stadtschlawinereien", Galerie KOW, Berlin
2019 "Palast der Republik", Kunsthalle Rostock
2019 "Eigenbedarf", Uferhallen, Berlin, kuratiert von Isabella Meiffert
2019 "Domizil", temporärer Raum, Berlin Weekly
2019 Werkleitz Festival, "Model and Ruin" 100 years of Bauhaus, Dessau
2019 "Alles II", Studio im HOCHHAUS, Berlin

2018 "Pissing in a River. Again!", Kunstraum Kreuzberg, 32 Künstlerinnen, curated by Andrea Pichl and Stephanie Kloss
2018 "Standard International #5 Spatial Manifestation", Loop, Berlin
2018 "Tempel der Möglichkeiten", Salve, Berlin
2018 "tosen", Gallery Künstlerdorf Schöppingen and public space
2018 "Erotica", exhibition at a former Sex-Shop, Berlin
2018 "Alles", Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin

2017 "Concrete Utopia", kuratiert von Arch+, Berlin, Schau Fenster, Berlin
2017 "Salon Wiepersdorf" Saarländische Galerie, Berlin
2017 Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf, Ausstellung in den Salons
2017 Sommerfest, Künstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf
2017 "Zwischen Räumen/ Between Spaces" ZKR (Center for Art and Public Space Schloss Biesdorf), Berlin
2017 "Pissing in a River", Kosmetiksalon Babette, Berlin
2017 "The Brutalism Appreciation Society", HMKV (Hartware Medien Kunstverein), Dortmund
2017 "Hiidden lines of space“, Salon, Kunstverein at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
2017 "Eigenheim", Krome Gallery, Luxembourg, curated by Christian Mosar

2016 Krome Gallery, Luxembourg, MIXED MEDIA XMAS
2016 "Raster Beton", Kunstverein D21, Leipzig

2015 "Bild und Anpassung" / "Image and adaption", Städtische Galerie Waldkraiburg
2015 Fahrbereitschaft, Haubrok Foundation, Studio Annette Ruenzler, Berlin
2015 F.E.G.L., LYKK* ZU FASERSTEIN – In memory of Peter Lang, Kosmetiksalon Babette, Berlin

2014 "Scraps of poetry", Deutsches Haus at NY University, New York
2014 "Die Stadt als Baustelle" / "The city as a construction area"
Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl, Germany
2014 "Die Ästhetik des Widerstands" / "The Aesthetics of Resistance"
Galerie im Turm, Berlin, Germany
2014 "Bild und Anpassung" / "Image and adaption"
Palais für aktuelle Kunst, Glückstadt, Germany
2014 Monumental, Malmö
2014 "The Aesthetics of Resistance"
IG Bildende Kunst, Wien

2013 Fall Open Studios, ISCP, New York (US)
2013 „item perspectiva“, Espace Beaumont, Luxembourg
2013 "Gegenwelten", (Alternate Worlds) Kunsthistorisches Museum Schloss Ambras, Innsbruck
2013 "modifications", ZK/U Berlin
2013 "Je ne sais quoi", Studio Torstrasse
2013 "Interventionen II" (The Art of Intervention), Gallery at Ratskeller, Berlin

2012 "Architektonika 2", National Gallery at Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin (catalogue)
2012 "Freilassung" (Release), Museum Lichtenberg, Berlin (booklet)
2012 Kunstverein Springhornhof

2011 "Architektonika", National Gallery at Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin (catalogue)
2011 "a.D.", Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin
2011 "Sonntag/Dienstag", Stedefreund, Berlin
2011 "Bau Haus", TÄT, Berlin

2010 "Zerreissproben", (Tension Test), Forum für Science and Culture Leipzig (catalogue)
2010 "Schnell und schmutzig", Markthalle, Berlin

2009 "Auktion", Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg
2009 "Big in Japan", Arcus Project, Moriya, Japan
2009 "Zeigen.An Audiotour" (To Show: An Audiotour) Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin
2009 "Reconstructed ZONE", Kunstverein Wolfsburg (catalogue)
2009 "Bleckede", Golden Pudel Club, Hamburg
2009 "Bewohnte Orte / Obydlená Místa" (Occupied Places) Städtische Galerie der Bildenden Künste Zlín (CZ)

2008 "Appell", Verbeke Foundation, Antwerpen (catalogue)
2008 "Bewohnte Orte / Obydlená Místa" (Occupied Places), Kunstverein Springhornhof

2008 "Klub 500", Kunsthaus Erfurt
2008 "Appell", Museum Felix de Boeck, Bruxelles (catalogue)
2008 Initiative Berliner Kunsthalle
2008 "Vollendete Zukunft" (Accomplieshed Future), Gallery parterre, Berlin (catalogue)
2008 invited competition (Kunst am Bau) für Wisbyer Str., Berlin
2008 "Freunde und Bekannte" Sparwasser HQ

2007 "Die Gegenwart des Vergangenen", Forum for Science and Art) Leipzig (catalogue)
2007 "Value", Glue, Berlin
2007 "Frauenportrait", Schickeria, Berlin
2007 Project Space im Henselmann Tower, Berlin

2006 "Tanz den Kommunismus", Schickeria, Berlin
2006 „Emergency Room“, Galerie Olaf Stüber, Berlin
2006 "Viewing Club“, Uxbridge Arm, London
2006 "Another One Bites The Dust", eingeladen von Laura Bruce, Berlin
2006 „Schöne Bilder“ (Beautifull Imagges), GMÜR, Berlin
2006 „Crossings“, Viktoria Quartier Berlin
2006 " Vollmilch equal Sex", Viewing Club, Ballhaus Ost , Berlin

2005 "Seven Floors", Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur Niedersachsen, Hannover (catalogue)
2005 „Kleinskulpturen“ (small sculptures), Säulen-Center, Berlin

2004 „Ausstellung", Berlin, eingeladen von Tilman Wendland
2004 „UWAGA“, Baltische Galerie Slupsk, Polen, Videolounge

2003 „Wie geht es Ihnen“ ‚transportale', Potsdamer Platz, with Tilman Wendland (catalogue)
2003 „Dialog Loci“ Küstrin/Kostrzyn (Poland) (catalogue)
2003 „.A.G.“, Künstlerhaus Schloss Plüschow (catalogue)
2003 „13:04“, invited Competition for Berlinische Gallery, Berlin
2003 „So geht das also“, curated together withTilman Wendland, KMZA Berlin (catalogue)

2002 „Transportale“, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin, mit Tilman Wendland

2001 invited competition, „Kunst am Bau. Die Bauten des Bundes in Berlin“, former Staatsratsgebäude of GDR, Berlin, with Andreas Schmid

2000 „Kunstbrief 5“ , Gallery at Parkhaus, Berlin
2000 ”Terminal ”, 2. Wettbewerbsstufe Bundesministerium der Justiz, Berlin, gemeinsam mit Andreas Schmid

1999 ”know what I mean?” , Young German Artists in Britain , Goethe Institut London (Katalog)
1999 ”Horror Vacui” Chelsea College of Art, London
1999 ”Stadt für Wissenschaft und Forschung”, Berlin


Nationalgalerie Berlin - Museum für Gegenwart
Leal Rios Foundation, Lisbon
Deutsche Bank Collection
several privat collections


Christine Nippe, Susanne Prinz and Marc Wellmann
"Andrea Pichl im Kunstmuseum Moritzburg / at Moritzburg Art Museum"
(Monographie), published by Moritzburg Art Museum, 34 Pages (Newspaper format), texts by Thomas Bauer-Friedrich, Susanne Prinz and Marc Wellmann

"Gegenwelten", published by Christoph Bertsch and Viola Vahrson,
haymonverlag, 472 pages

”Andrea Pichl” (Monographie), published by Sternberg Press, 2013, 64 pages Hardcover, with texts by Gabriele Knapstein and Sven Beckstette

-”Architektonika”, Exhibition catalogue, published by Gabriele Knapstein und Matilda Felix, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Hamburger Bahnhof, Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2012, 183 pages, with texts by Gabriele Knapstein, Andreas Lepik, Jane Rendell

"Andrea Pichl / was möglich wäre (what would be possible)”, Booklet, 24 pages, published by Museum Lichtenberg, 2012

-”Andrea Pichl”, special edition, published by Mies van der Rohe Haus, Berlin, 64 pages, 2011, with texts by Ludwig Seyfarth, Wita Noack and Ute Müller-Tischler, Verlag Form und Zweck

-”Zerreissproben”, Exhibition catalogue, published by Leipziger Kreis, Forum for science and art, 72 pages

”Silence”, Exhibition catalogue, published by National Gallery Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 64 pages

”Reconstructed ZONE”,Exhibition catalogue, published by Kunstverein Wolfsburg, 64 pages

”Andrea Pichl”, Folder, Künstlerstätte Bleckede, published by Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg

"Andrea Pichl", Monographie with texts by Peter Lang and Raimar Stange, 64 pages

„Vollendete Zukunft“, Exhibition catalogue, publisghed by Galerie parterre, Berlin, 64 pages

„Die Gegenwart des Vergangenen“ Exhibition catalogue, published by Leipziger Kreis, 72 pages

„Checkpoint Charlie“, Catalogue, published by v 4. Berlin Biennale / KW Institute for Contemporary Art

-„ostPUNK! – too much future“, Exhibition catalogue,
published by Künstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin, with texts by
Christoph Tannert and Peter Lang, 120 pages

„Seven Floors“ , Exhibition catalogue, published by Ministry for Science and Culture, Lower Saxony, 120 pages

http://wwww.ostPUNK! / too much future



Kunstquartier Bethanien
Andrea Pichl
Mariannenplatz 2
10997 Berlin