Gropius Bau

Building with Timber – Paths into the Future

21 Oct 2016 - 15 Jan 2017

Building with Timber
© Gassner Redolfi KG
21 October 2016 – 15 January 2017

A fascinating exhibition about the current state of building culture with focus on timber – the natural renewable resource

Based on selected distinguished national and international projects, the exhibition represents the state of the art in sustainable and modern timber architecture. The presentation spans from spectacular projects by Toyo Ito, Shigeru Ban and Frei Otto to direction setting urban timber houses such as those by Kaden & Klingbeil in Berlin/Prenzlauer Berg, and upwards to the newest trends in high-rise buildings realized in timber. Plans, excerpts and photographs accompany the large-sized models.
A building material which has been falling into obscurity from the beginning of the modern era begins its return to contemporary architecture and the public consciousness. Whilst steel, glass, brick and concrete have long been symbols for modern building, now a construction material which is probably the oldest in history enriches the architecture of today. The renaissance of modern timber building began in the early nineties and seems set to develop continuously. A familiar material presents itself in a new diversity. Ongoing research is yielding huge development and improvement in structural engineering and in the use of timber. Computer aided methods in calculation and production offer completely new forms of design. One of mankind’s oldest building materials therefore now provides innovative and interesting contributions to modern architecture.

The exhibition presents sensational timber architecture which is being developed all over the world and which was unimaginable until a short time ago. It provides clear responses to the pressing questions of climate change. Visually it will be demonstrated how timber buildings retain the climate relevant gas carbon dioxide and how conventional, energy intensive building materials can be replaced by the use of a truly renewable resource. This aspect is backed up by eco balance reports on existing buildings. It is clear that wood has become the symbol of sustainability and of resource-saving building. Such hope for the solutions to the environmental problems of the construction industry can be found in no other building material.

The narrative of the exhibition begins in the woods. Its importance for our environment and society will be explained and the reasons as to why it is sensible to use this fascinating material will be explored. The circle is completed by the portrayal of the increasing significance of alternative varieties of wood, such as hardwoods which will become more relevant in the industry’s future.

The fascination for a material which grows - so to speak - next door and which is uniquely useful in so many ways will be shown in the exhibition. A material which has demonstrated for centuries its suitability for use in huge structures as well as for furniture and which is still associated with feelings of comfort by many people.

The exhibition is curated by Professor Hermann Kaufmann in cooperation with Professor Winfried Nerdinger both of Technical University of Munich. It is organized in cooperation with the DAZ – Deutsches Architektur Zentrum (Center of German Architecture) in Berlin and sponsored by the DBU – Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (German Federal Environmental Foundation), DHWR – Deutscher Holzwirtschaftsrat e.V. (Council of German Forestry Industry), GdW – Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e.V. (Federation of German Real Estate Companies), proholz Bayern, Verband des Bayerischen Zimmerer- und Holzbaugewerbes (Bavarian Association of Carpentry and Woodworking Industries) and Bayerische Staatsforsten AöR (Bavarian State Forest institution of public-law).

ORGANIZER Technische Universität München. An exhibition of the Associate Professorship of Architectural Design and Timber Construction and the Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität München in cooperation with Deutsches Architektur Zentrum DAZ, supported by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU), the German Wood Council (DHWR), the German Association of Housing Enterprises and Housing Cooperatives (GdW) and proHolz Bavaria.