Air de Paris

Moki Cherry

26 May - 21 Jul 2018

Moki Cherry
Please Save the Waters, 1977
tapisserie, 200 x 100 cm
26 May - 21 July 2018

In Moki Cherry’s artistic practice, there are no sharp boundaries between design, art, drama and music. In 1962, Moki Cherry moved to Stockholm to study at the Beckmans College of Design. A few years later, she met the American jazz musician Don Cherry, and they embarked on a close collaboration. Separately and together, they created happenings, music, art, posters and album covers. Their motto was “the stage as a home, and the home as a stage”1.

Extract from the press releasede of Moki Cherry’s exhibition «Moment» (cur. Fredrik Liew) Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 7.04 2016 – 9.04.2017