Alon Segev

Arik Levy

13 Sep - 30 Nov 2012

© Arik Levy
Genetic Intimacy
13 September - 30 November 2012

After "Natural Disorder" (September 2010) "Genetic Intimacy" comes as an evolution of the Rock and of my re-organized genetics narrative. Genetic Intimacy is where one can come in to observe and get to be part of these ideas. Not that non-intimate relation does not influence but being part of it is a possibility to change or realize physical parameters of such evolution. My interest is in the process; the transformation as well as in bio mimicry is both parallel and intersecting with my constant search for the link between social signals, behavior and science. "Genetic Intimacy" it a turning point switching to focus and gravity from the Rock as a monolith of non symmetric geometry that basically exists due to its reflection to the volition of its boundaries. Surfaces, facets and perimeters are in evolution and constant growth. This chapter opens multiple channels of explorations including the inversion of the reflection into suction and vortex. The out cover surfaces are turning into void and craters where both the eye and body can travel into...changing scale in our mind is an evident tool that permit these journeys to happen. Materials are joining into mix and switch what we know and see them for...marble become light weight complex construction that now proven to give ultimate strength to the construction...opacity turns into transparency...thin metal turns into volatile grain of an unknown nature. The new RockGrowth wall version starts to connect to architecture around it like a claiming vegetation hanging and sprouting from the wall. In this installation I was also looking to invert our perception of the space by simply changing some of its points of reference that we people within a space are so used to look at; to position ourselves in a given space. It will be an opportunity to share these rather internal sensations between our selves and the sculptures. The Marble vegetation’s represent the last of the Genetic Evolution of this show where Mineral becomes vegetal. To sum it all up, paintings of faceted, mineralized people in this case genetically related to me are present seen via these transactional feelings. Part of my investigations and after “Natural Disorder” exhibition, the upcoming exhibition “Genetic Intimacy” is a research; in depth quest for the relationship between emotion and science; nature and uncontrolled actions. (Arik Levy, July 2012)

Tags: Arik Levy