Beaufort Triennale


28 Mar - 04 Oct 2009

© Jason Meadows
Wild Shore Trilogy
Photo © Koen De Waal
28 March – 4 October 2009

Curator: Phillip Van den Bossche

Matt Mullican
Jason Meadows
Marijke Van Warmerdam
Krijn de Koning
Evan Holloway
Valérie Mannaerts
Philip Aguirre y Otegui
Sven ’t Jolle
Tim Segers
John Baldessari
Tamar Frank
Aeneas Wilder
Xu Bing
Harald Klingelhöller
Lili Dujourie
Niek Kemps
Sterling Ruby
Louis De Cordier
Brigada Ramona Parra
Daniel Buren
Mathilde Rosier
Lothar Hempel
Thomas Houseago
Robert Kusmirowski
Liam Gillick
Giuseppe Gabellone
Luc Deleu
Peter Rogiers
Jan Vercruysse
Leonor Antunes

Beaufort03 outlined a unique and captivating art installation course along the Belgian coast. The third edition of the art triennial guaranteed a challenging discovery of contemporary artists and an exquisite exploration of their works. Thirty national and international artists worked in ten coastal communities and entered into a dialogue with the sea, the inheritance, the inhabitants, the history... They converted the coastline into an oasis of contemporary art, captivating both the Beaufort-visitor and random passers-by.

Tags: Leonor Antunes, John Baldessari, Xu Bing, Daniel Buren, Louis de Cordier, Luc Deleu, Lili Dujourie, Giuseppe Gabellone, Liam Gillick, Lothar Hempel, Evan Holloway, Thomas Houseago, Sven`t Jolle, Sven't Jolle, Harald Klingelhöller, Krijn de Koning, Robert Kusmirowski, Valerie Mannaerts, Jason Meadows, Matt Mullican, Peter Rogiers, Mathilde Rosier, Sterling Ruby, Jan Vercruysse, Marijke van Warmerdam