Bernd Kugler

Erwin Gross

28 May - 03 Jul 2010

© Erwin Gross
Von Abend zu Abend (evening for evening) Nr. 4, 2010
Acrylic, pigment on canvas
145 x 208 cm
Neue Malerei

28.05. - 03.07.2010

Evening for Evening

There’s something quite literally lapidary about the seven pictures which mark the beginning of Erwin Gross’s most recent period of work, which he started at the beginning of 2010. In a stony shade of grey, the painting stands on the surface with the immense weight of rock massifs. By naming these works “Von Abend zu Abend” (Evening for Evening), Gross reminds us that they form a closed, cohesive group since they appear to have been created seamlessly, from evening to evening as it were. The title, however, is equally apt as regards the mood conveyed by the scenarios, a mood which, although created purely through artistic experience and practice, nonetheless somehow possesses a natural, unstudied look. A kind of sublime dusk lies over them, the kind of twilight that evolves after the sun has set and the colours of the day fade away to an ever-darker shade of grey.
In this regard too, Gross may have taken as his model nature, which represents the central reference magnitude for his work. The tracing and distinguishing of finely graded hues - the hallmark of the Karlsruhe Academy Professor – here become condensed. The grey painted by Gross “evening for evening”, becomes, in this single group of paintings, the sum, as it were, of all nuances and refractions which appear in the piece of work. The reflection of natural growth processes, the effect of which can be seen right through to the creative technique used in the paintings, reaches a new level – as if the artist wanted to compact and compress the aesthetic experience he has gained over the decades to the maximum.

Michael Hübl

Tags: Erwin Gross