Martin van Zomeren

Unstable Media

22 Jun - 27 Aug 2013

Participating artists: Olga Balema, Nina Beier, Rubén Grilo, Spiros Hadjidjanos, Calla Henkel & Max Pitegoff, Yngve Holen, David Jablonowski, Ilja Karilampi, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Katja Novitskova, Ben Schumacher, Timur Si-Qin, Anne de Vries and Jordan Wolfson.

The exhibition brings together mostly sculptural works in which it is possible to recognize ideas of displacement, disorientation, and instability, while also using methods of digital media and photography, which in many ways “capture” fragments and “fixate” bits. In the rearrangements and selection of these pieces, new narratives and meanings may arise before it all falls back into the material that made it tangible.

We are surrounded by media and information that aim to deliver content in the most effective way possible. The works in this show seem to hesitate and hold still just at the turning point where the commodity becomes a medium, allowing a reality beyond cultural signifiers to be part of the work. This leads to a more complex reading of the inter-connectivity of all things and themes, objects and subjects.

During the exhibition Joshua Simon’s brand new publication ‘Neomaterialsim’ will be launched. It states a move into what Joshua Simon calls an ‘economy of neomaterialism’. With this, several shifts have occurred: the focus of labor has moved from production to consumption, the commodity has become the historical subject and symbols now behave like materials. ‘Neomaterialism’ explores the meaning of the world of commodities, and reintroduces various notions of dialectical materialism into the conversation on the subjectivity and vitalism of things. Simon advocates
for the unready-made, sentimental value, and the promise of the dividual as means for a vocabulary in this new economy of meaning.

Tags: Olga Balema, Nina Beier, Rubén Grilo, Spiros Hadjidjanos, Yngve Holen, David Jablonowski, Ilja Karilampi, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Katja Novitskova, Ben Schumacher, Timur Si-Qin, Anne de Vries, Jordan Wolfson