Jérémie Gindre is by turns (or simultaneously) a sculptor, draughtsman, writer or speaker as need be. Mixing genres with feigned offhandedness, he takes in reality with the informed eye of an authentic encyclopaedist. Yet the knowledge backing up his many forms of expression remains incomplete, conjectural, ‘useless and uncertain’, and is always worked out in a relaxed, easy-going manner. The same holds in terms of the aesthetic: the sophistication of the mises en scène, the finish of the work of art and the love of the ‘handmade’ seem to adapt to a persistent proximity with readymade productions springing from a consumerism in its least glorious form. It is a glitch in the scale of values then that seems to be shaping works that are quite different on the face of it, although they are linked by a similar concern for shuffling hypotheses.
By basing himself on the objectivity of the hard sciences, Jérémie Gindre develops works that are well documented yet are anything but documentaries. This intentional indecision is indicative of an appeal to science that is a ruse and a necessary step for both dodging a few old burdensome artistic problems and laying the foundation for research that advances through lamination, probe and sampling in the world’s depths and, especially, its representations.

Hervé Laurent