"It seems that art, for Johannes Vogl, is a miraculous means to deal with a surrounding reality in a constant exceptional state of a raised intensity where senses are sharpened and perception becomes activated. As a careful observer of the everyday, Vogl is in a condition of a permanent alert with a volcanic (creative) energy and vigilance, bursting out at each step and reaction. Here, artistic field is an open and unlimited area of genuine possibilities and potentialities where endless solutions are being applied and new unexpected constructions are being staged on the crossway of inspiring reality and seductive fiction. Vogl is such a constructor and a passionate inventor of objects on the edge of functionality and fairy-tale like surreal application, beyond reason, within the realm of almighty imagination. »Watching the Waves«, 2005 is typical for Vogl attempt at creating an all-satisfactory and comfortable micro-environment with all necessary conditions for experiencing a particular phenomenon of nature. The artist is an author of self-sufficient structures, appearing as almost parasitic mechanisms that confuse the usual objecthood and functionality of things, bringing in certain competitive qualities too, as it might be a case of »Kleiner Mond«, 2006, a seductive and almost lyrical example of imitation and mimicry. Vogl’s is extremely sensitive poetics of the everyday gesture, non-pretentious, authentic supplement to a reality, turned for a moment into a playground where a moderate dose of irony and a good sense of humour balance the precariousness and insufficiency of today’s (imperfect) world."

Adam Budak, 2006