Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

Chris Martin

22 Oct 2011 - 15 Jan 2012

© Chris Martin
Untitled, 1984-1999
Öl und Sprühfarbe auf Holzfaserplatte
Courtesy of Chris Martin, KOW BERLIN, and Mitchel-Innes & Nash, New York
Staring Into The Sun
22 October, 2011 – 15 January, 2012

The Kunst­hal­le is cur­rent­ly pre­pa­ring the first in­sti­tu­tio­nal so­lo ex­hi­bi­ti­on outside the United Sta­tes by Chris Mar­tin (b. 1954 in Wa­shing­ton D.C.), who is as yet re­la­tive­ly un­known in Ger­ma­ny.
Sin­ce the mid-ni­n­e­ties, Mar­tin’s work has fre­quent­ly re­fe­ren­ced to ar­tist col­le­agues from the fields of pain­ting and mu­sic – a ho­mage not on­ly pop stars, but al­so tho­se who exis­ted and exist outside the main­stream; in so­me ca­ses, viz. Micha­el Jack­son, Ja­mes Brown or the in­ves­ti­ga­tor of the Red Rib­bon pro­ject, Frank Moo­re, promp­ted by their de­aths. De­di­ca­ti­ons of this
sort are in­di­ca­ti­ve of the so­cie­tal fo­un­da­ti­on of Mar­tin’s lar­ge-for­mat com­po­si­ti­ons, as well as being ge­stu­res of de­vo­ti­on and so­li­da­ri­ty. At the sa­me ti­me, they break away from tho­se pu­ri­ty re­qui­re­ments of mo­no­chro­me or co­lor field pain­ting. The na­mes are ru­de­ly pla­ced in­to the image’s over­all space, ad­jas­cent to glu­ed co­ins, vi­nyl LPs, bana­na skins, and news­pa­per ar­ti­cles. For mo­re than thir­ty ye­ars now and de­s­pi­te the cru­de, tho­rough­ly se­cu­lar ap­pearan­ce of the ima­ges’ sur­faces, Mar­tin’s work has be­en tap­ping in­to va­rious dif­fe­rent tra­di­ti­ons of spi­ri­tu­al ab­strac­tion, for which New York, whe­re Mar­tin has be­en li­ving sin­ce 1975, has be­en the pro­ver­bi­al melting pot.

The ex­hi­bi­ti­on, cu­ra­ted by Elo­die Evers and Gre­gor Jan­sen, will fo­cus in par­ti­cu­lar upon the ear­ly and midd­le pe­ri­od of Mar­tin’s oeu­vre. The “Black Pain­tings”, for ex­amp­le, which crea­te the il­lu­si­on of three-di­men­sio­nal space wi­th a few li­nes, be­long to the ol­der works. Mar­tin’s en­ga­ge­ment wi­th pain­ters, such as Ma­le­vich und Mon­dri­an, is cle­ar­ly vi­si­ble he­re. In par­al­lel to the­se lar­ge-for­mat pain­tings Mar­tin al­so wor­ked on a num­ber of small, co­lour­ful can­va­ses. In the­se pain­tings, Mar­tin re­verts to Chris­ti­an mys­ti­cism and an­thro­po­so­phist sym­bo­lism, as well as to the “spi­ri­tu­al land­scapes” of North Ame­ri­can Ro­man­ti­cism, qui­te un­known in Eu­ro­pe. In par­ti­cu­lar, the pain­ting "Sta­ring in­to the Sun",

Tags: Chris Martin