Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

Cody Choi

09 May - 02 Aug 2015

© Cody Choi
Culture Cuts
Installationsansichten Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
Foto: Katja Illner
Culture Cuts
9 May - 2 August 2015

Kunst­hal­le Dus­sel­dorf will or­ga­ni­ze and host the world’s first ever re­tro­spec­tive for na­ti­ve Ko­rean ar­tist Cody Choi (born 1961 in Seo­ul, whe­re he still li­ves). Choi is en­ga­ged wi­th pain­ting, sculp­tu­ring, ne­on, in­stal­la­ti­ons, ink drawings and com­pu­ter gra­phics. Sin­ce the 1980s, he has be­en wor­king in Los An­ge­les and New York and as­su­ming a key ro­le in the in­ter­na­tio­nal art sce­ne, si­gni­fi­cant­ly cont­ri­bu­ting to the in­ter­cul­tu­ral dia­log. In his works, the ar­tist ad­dres­ses the me­dia- and cul­tu­re-re­la­ted con­flicts bet­ween the Eas­tern and the Wes­tern world and the reck­less wes­ter­niza­t­i­on of Asia. Being con­s­i­de­red “Asi­an” in the US and “Ame­ri­can” back ho­me sin­ce 2002, his works fo­cus on va­rious are­as of con­flict re­la­ted to cul­tu­ral so­cia­liza­t­i­on and as­si­mi­la­ti­on. In re­la­ti­on to Au­gus­te Ro­din, Mi­ke Kel­ley or Ger­hard Rich­ter, phi­lo­so­phi­cal as well as es­the­tic sub­jects and clichés are wor­ked up in the sen­se of ap­pro­pria­ti­on art.

The ex­hi­bi­ti­on tour will be co­or­di­na­ted by John C. Welch­man, Mi­ke Kel­ley Fo­un­da­ti­on for the Arts, Los An­ge­les, and will al­so stop by in Zwol­le, NL, and at the MAC in Mar­seil­le.

Tags: Cody Choi, Li Ming, He Sen, SEO