Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

Transfer Korea – NRW

19 Oct 2013 - 05 Jan 2014

Kyungah Ham
Set in their studious corners, the players move the gradual pieces, seit 2009
188 x184 cm
North Korean Hand Embroidery on Silk
© the artist
19 October 2013 – 5 January 2014

The ninth edi­ti­on of the NRW KUL­TUR­se­kre­ta­ri­at’s in­ter­na­tio­nal art and ar­tist ex­chan­ge pro­gram­me Trans­fer has be­en de­vo­ted to its part­ner coun­try, the Re­pu­blic of Ko­rea, sin­ce 2011. The Kunst­hal­le Düs­sel­dorf is ta­king part in this pro­ject to­ge­ther wi­th the Kunst­mu­se­um Bonn, the Ost­haus Mu­se­um Ha­gen and three mu­se­ums in Seo­ul. Trans­fer Ko­rea-NRW re­pres­ents its first ex­chan­ge wi­th a non-Eu­ropean coun­try and it pro­vi­des thril­ling in­sights in­to South Ko­rea’s dy­na­mic art sce­ne. Af­ter an in­ten­se dia­lo­gue that went on for se­ver­al ye­ars bet­ween nu­me­rous prot­ago­nists, in­sti­tu­ti­ons and the 14 ju­ry-selec­ted ar­tists, each par­ti­ci­pa­ting hou­se con­cei­ved its own ex­hi­bi­ti­on that would all be shown par­al­lel to each other.
The Kunst­hal­le is pre­sen­ting works by six ar­tists. One as­pect they ha­ve in com­mon is the ex­ami­na­ti­on of spaces mar­ked by dif­fe­rent cul­tu­ral con­no­ta­ti­ons. Lu­ka FIN­EI­SEN and Ye­on­doo JUNG pre­sent in their vi­deo a sta­ged pic­to­ri­al world of the me­ga­po­lis of Seo­ul. At the end, the morning song of the Ger­man black­bird can be heard in the back­ground. To the extent that Kyun­gah HAM has her em­bro­ide­ries ma­nu­fac­tu­red in North Ko­rea and then smugg­les them back to Seo­ul, the bor­der­li­ne ex­pe­ri­ence ex­tends he­re over and above the trans­fer of Wes­tern and Asi­an art pro­duc­tion. Ma­nu­el GRAF’s in­stal­la­ti­on in­qui­res in a re­fe­ren­ti­al ga­me about the cul­tu­ral con­di­tio­na­li­ty of space. By lin­king cul­tu­ral-spe­ci­fic ar­ti­cles of ever­y­day use, Eri­ka HOCK un­folds webs of re­la­ti­ons­hips bet­ween cul­tu­ral ide­as and in­di­vi­du­al dea­lings. Ki­ra KIM has as­sem­bled a mo­saic of film ima­ges that de­mons­tra­te the de­pen­den­cy bet­ween the en­vi­ron­ment and ever­y­day li­fe.

This ex­hi­bi­ti­on was ma­de pos­si­ble thanks to the sup­port of the Em­bas­sy Branch Of­fice of the Re­pu­blic of Ko­rea in Bonn and Samsung Elec­tro­nics GmbH. The Trans­fer pro­ject is sup­por­ted in par­ti­cu­lar by the NRW KUL­TUR­se­kre­ta­ri­at and the North Rhi­ne West­pha­li­an Mi­nis­try for Fa­mi­ly, Child­ren, Youth, Cul­tu­re and Sport.

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