Kunsthaus Dresden

Fett – Fünf Jahre Kunst im Container

02 Jun - 17 Aug 2014

Innenansicht Ausstellung "FETT" im Containerhaus. Foto: David Brandt
2 June – 17 August 2014

For five years students from Dresden secondary schools and gymnasiums have been working with mentors of several artistic disciplines: architecture, design and art. Within the frame oft he project White Cube / Black Box they developed collaborative art projects and exhibition concepts.

For first time, the results of these collaborations are presented beyond the container houses within the frame of a retrospective at Kunsthaus Dresden. The exhibition FETT presents an overview of more than thirty works, based on photography, drawing, video art and installation.

Together the retrospective as well as the newly developed artistic works and interventions focus on matters of exhibiting and display as well as new relations which are established here: How does a ‚museification’ alter the meaning of works, objects and relations? In which manner is a performance acted out in an exhibition space other than a theater or the streeet – and which traditions of exhibiting exist outside the museum – in the urban space, a butchers counter or inside facebook?

Fifty very young artists from several secondary schools and gymnasiums in Dresden have worked on the conceptual framework and and the individual works of this exhibition together with their mentors. The exhibition presented inside the container house at Gymnasium Bürgerwiese and at Kunsthaus Dresden presents a set of newly developed artistic projects, performances and interventions in the city space alongside with the retrospetive of the previous exhibitions („LUXUS“, „ZUKUNFT 2050“, „RECYCLING“, „CLASH – Mein Du durch Dein Ich“, „APOKALYPSE“ und „HELDEN“) in a new exhibition design.


Contemporary art: André Tempel, Elke Schindler, Hannes Broecker, Liron Dinovitz

Design & Illustration: André Wandslebe, Ina Kwon

Architecture: Alexander Pötzsch, Jens Zander


Lara Beyer, Paul Bresch, Emilia Cholt, Alina Dziallas, Johanna Feistl, Mathilde Franke, Louise Hartmann, Friedemann Hempel, Johanna Hernowski, Elise Heumann, Helene Holz, Kolja Kirsch, Paul Kirsch, Naima Klose, Aaron Raphael Köbsch, Xochilt Sofia Kordt, Anna Korndörfer, Marie Kramer, Janina Laßmann, Lucie Lehmann, Romi Ludwig, Leander Lusche, Lucia Mewes, Celina Miosga, Eduardo Jacobo Miranda Garcia, Arthur Nebe, Eric Nielsen, Victor Parade, Johanne Silke Petermann, Paula Preuß, Patricia Rehn, Mathilde Reichel, Thekla Reichel, Arthur Rudolph, Lea Schärmann, Jakob Schubert, Helen Simpson, Leon Tönjes, Josef Villao Crespo, Pauline Voigt, Alexander Voigt, Victor Wagenknecht, Florian Wagner, Marlen Walther, Antonia Weiß, Luna Wiedmann, Vincent Wolff, Karl Zimmermann

With participation of the students of the former projects 2011-2013: Clara Athenstaedt, Johanna Balsam, Hannah Bauch, Maika Binder, Anna Birnstengel, Christina Bohmeier, Thuan Böttcher, Katharina Brückmann, Kristina Brune, Sophinette Bulang, Mona Camille, Alexander Dobberkau, Anneliese Donner, Leon-Paul Eckelt, Lisa Ferdinand, Louise Fuchs, Lisa Geyh, Pauline Gloger, Shantal Göres, Agnes Götz, Lia Greiberg, Isabell Günther, Stephan Günther, Uta Haberstroh, Nadine Häckl, Natalie Häckl, Heike Haufe, Karla Johanna Herde, Lilly Hohmann, Helene Holz, Amber Hummel, Arthur John, Till Kiehle, Anna Korndörfer, Emma Kotte, Swantje Kretzschmar, Thekla Liebmann, Friedemann Luft, Paul Matthay, Paula Menzel, Eva Metzker, Jonathan Meuer, Paula Micklich, Eduardo Jacobo Miranda Garcia, Carlos Sebastian Miranda Garcia, Aaron Möbius, Wenzel-Xian Mucha, Eric Nielsen, Max Nowotnick, Melissa Otto, Hannes Peker, Tom Plehn, Ferdinand Reh, Annabell Richter, Helene Röder, Lisa-Marie Rost, Nadine Saglam, Marie Schäfer, Florian Schilling, Jasmin Schmidt, Ole Schnars, Mona Schomberg, Alexander Schönjahn, Helen Schötz, Leni Senftleben, Nena Senftleben, Julia Siegle, Christoph Starke, Jessica Streller, Petra Thiele, Ruben Titze, Anna Usicenko, Josef Villao Crespo, Christin Wendisch, Alina Wendrich, Louis Wuttke, Katharina Zokov

and their mentors: Aline Wagner, Alexander Pötzsch und Jens Zander, André Wandslebe und Robert Müller, Svea Duwe, Anne König, Sebastian Hempel, Julia Gaisbacher, Martin Mannig, Christine Schiewe, Stefanie Busch, David Buob, Claudia Schötz

Also with participation of the students of the former projects 2009-2011: Maja Behrmann, Maryna Beletsova, Victoria Bloy, Gidon Bohnacker, Jana Eisoldt, Nadja Fiebig, Victoria Frenzel, Mandeepa Gerlach, Lena Giering, Camillo Gulde, Janis Graul, Hans-Christian Hegewald, Anne Hennig, Linda Hennig, Dien Linh Hoang, Paul Hübler, Rebekka Raja Jahn, Niklas Junker, Marie Kallinke, Philipp Körner, Hai An Le, Linda Ma, Albina Maksudova, Paul Matthay, Eva Metzker, Josepha Mosler, Nicole Müller, Julia Navratiel, Ngoc Linh Nguyen, Eric Nielsen, Lilly Noack, Karoline Opitz, Saskia von Reppert, Jonas Richter, Lea Richter, Kristin Rißmann, Luisa Sabonete, Khadija Saidi, Laura Scadock, Jascha Schulze, Robert Seidenglanz, Maria Sittner, Friederike Spitzer, Fabian Stoll, Fidel Thomet, Lisa Vo, Viktor Waldleben, Jasmin Wehner, Vivian Wippich, Marlene Woschni, Linda Zeuner

and their mentors: Roland Züger, Jakob Kirch und Pascal Storz, Antje Schiffers, Cosima Tribukeit und Katja Hoffmann-Wildner, Christian Sievers, Bernd Kilian, Tobias Köbsch, Karoline Schmidt, Juliane Schmidt, Christoph Rodde, Thorsten Groetschel

In cooperation with secondary schools and gymnasiums in Dresden: 46. Oberschule, Romain-Rolland-Gymnasium, Gymnasium Bürgerwiese as well students of Freie Montessorischule Huckepack, Freie Waldorfschule, Freie Alternativschule, Christliche Schule Dresden, Bertolt-Brecht-Gymnasium, Evangelisches Kreuzgymnasium, St.Benno-Gymnasium and Marie-Curie-Gymnasium.

With the kind support of the Sächsische Staatsministerium für Kultus und Sport and the Europäischen Sozialfonds.

Tags: K.O. Götz, Sebastian Hempel, Martin Mannig, DJ Simpson, André Tempel