Kunstmuseum Stuttgart

Markus Amm

16 Oct 2010 - 06 Feb 2011

© Markus Amm
o. T., 2008
Enamelfarbe und Spraylack auf Papier auf Leinwand, Courtesy Herald St.-Gallery, Foto: Goswin Schwendinger

16 October, 2010 - 6 February 2011

Markus Amm (* 1969) poses elementary questions about painting: how does priming modify the picture carrier? How does a spatial illusion emerge from the simplest of media? What is a painted line capable of in contrast to a connection between two canvases that, however, optically functions like a line? Amm repeatedly applies layers of chalk priming onto a canvas, until every trace of the textile ground disappears. In another work he draws delicate lines onto a barely primed canvas and consequently brings the material carrier to the center of our attention. He also experiments with other picture carriers and has, for years now, produced photograms that result from direct illumination. His minimalist formal language borrows from Constructivism and questions the assumptions of the avant-garde.

We would like to thank the accounting and consulting firm KPMG for their support of this project.

Tags: Markus Amm