Orakel der Medea, 2009
MATERIALS: Polystyrene, resin, gypsum, paint, steel, led, cloth, pigment, glass, metal, plastic, celluloid, rubber, adhesive tape, wood, glue, colour video loop projection
DIMENSIONS: Object: 80 x 130 x 80 cm, projection: 160 x 230 cm
Lunik, 2007
MATERIALS: Well: steel, screeding compound, laquer, plexiglass, plastic, metal, fabric, water, foil, adhesive tape, led-lamp, cable.
Telescope: steel, laquer, screeding compound, plexiglass, plastic, metal, glass, fabric, adhesive tape, slide projector, slides, microphone, cable.
Rocket: steel, tar, water, metal, infusion cutlery
DIMENSIONS: Telescope: 174 x 75 x 75 cm, Well: 120 x 80 x 80 cm, Rocket: 90 x 85 x 175 cm
The Route of Vanish, 2009
ELEMENTS OF INSTALLATION: 9 handmade model-airplane wings and phosphorescent tablets with graphite drawing, oriented in various positions.
Intermittent gallery lighting (five-minute cycles). Black-and-white video projection, aerial view of Siberian landscape.
MATERIALS: Pigment, steel, polyester, aluminium, paint, plastic, silicone, graphite
DIMENSIONS: Objects: 240 x 875 x 40 cm, 235 x 825 x 35 cm, 235 x 875 x 40 cm, 240 x 845 x 40 cm, 240 x 795 x 35 cm, 240 x 815 x 40 cm, 240 x 835 x 40 cm, 240 x 815 x 40 cm, 240 x 825 x 40 cm
Video: 120 x 190 cm