Sophie Bueno-Boutellier
Villa Arson, Nice, France
Residency "David Robert Art Foundation", London, UK
Residency in the desert of the Hoggar with Triangle France, Algeria
Nominated for Prix Ricard, Paris
Residency "Quartier 21, MuseumsQuartier", Vienna, Austria
Residency "la Box", Bourges, France
Rive Gauche, Kunstverein Langenhagen curated by Ursula Schödeling Langenhagen, Germany (june) (Cat)
Solo show at Freymond-Guth Gallery, Zurich, Swizerland (august)
Les Adorateurs des Bêtes , CIRCUS , Berlin, Germany
A knock on the window pane, Galerie Carlos Cardenas, Paris, France
Calendrier de l'Âme:Expiration, CHERT,
Calendrier de l'Âme: Inspiration, CIRCUS , Berlin, Germany
Oursin fossile,Solo presentation, Present Future Artissima,curated by Aurélie Voltz, Torino,Italy
Remind Us That Saturn’s Rings Are Not Eternal, Galerie Carlos Cardenas, Paris, France
Lunar Odyssey, Beton-Salon, Museums Quartier, Vienna, Austria
Lux Natura, L'ancienne école, Marato,France
Taylor-Burton, Espace Diamant, Ajaccio, Corsica
Lumiere Noire, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe curated by Dr. Alexander Eiling, Karlsruhe, Germany. (june) (Cat)
From Anna Blume, Autocenter curated by Sandra Teitge, Berlin, Germany
HIC-l'exposition de La Forme des Idées curated by Julien Bouillon ,Villa Arson, Nice, France
I can't forget, but I don't remember what, with Rosy Keyser & Karin Suter , Freymond-Guth Gallery, Zurich, Swizerland
I was born for the purpose that crucifies your mind, with Gerda Scheepers , Samsa, Berlin, Germany
The Show, Forgotten Bar Project, Berlin, Germany
Ins Blickfeld gerückt, French Institute Berlin, Germany
Cometta Rossa, with Athanasios Argianas & Giulio Frigo, Fluxia Gallery, Milano, Italy
Antidote 5: collection G.Houzet, la Galerie des Galeries, Paris, France
L 'image cabrée / 11è Prix Fondation d'entreprise Ricard curated by Judicaël Lavrador, Fondation Ricard, Paris, France
POSTERS, Chert + Motto a project organized with Tulips & Roses, Vilnius, Lituania
Ohne die Anwesenheit von Abwesenheit kein Nichts , CIRCUS, Berlin, Germany
MAYDAY, Rental gallery, New-York, USA
Visions nocturnes, La galerie, Noisy-le-sec, France
The measure of value show put by Klaus Winichner, Berlin, Germany
NIVEAUARLAM , Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck,Austria
Faces, showroom berlin,, Berlin, Allemagne
Unsere Affekte fliegen aus dem Bereich der menschlichen Wirklichkeit heraus, Galerie Sandra Bürgel, Berlin, Germany
Schickeria: Nacht der Süßen Bienen im Glaskasten KMA, Berlin, Allemagne
On achève bien les chevaux/Nur den Pferden gibt man den Gnadenschuss, Pferdeställe, Berlin, Germany
All we ever wanted was Everything, Centre d’art contemporain la Synagogue de Delme, Delme, France
Paris-londres : le voyage interieur curated by Alex Farquharson & Alexis Vaillant, Espace Electra, Paris, France
Boundless, Stenersenmuseet, Oslo, Sweden
Jean-Luc Verna / Raymond Pettibon, invitation of Jean Luc Verna, BFAS Blondeau Fine Art Services, Geneva, Switzerland
Floating Bowl, attitudes- espace d'arts contemporains, Geneva, Switzerland
Lee 3 Tau Ceti Central Armory Show, Villa Arson, Nice, France
JLV vous n'êtes pas un peu beaucoup maquillé ?, invitation of Jean Luc Verna, Galerie Air de Paris, Paris,France
Salons, boudoirs et antichambres, C.N.E.A.I, Chatou, France
TigerLand, Frac Basse-Normandie, Caen, France
Peau d'âne 2, Galerie Soardi, Nice, France
Flash Art International, "Les Adorateurs des bêtes" review by Laura Schleussner.N°275 Nov-Dec 2010
MAP Magazine,"Arbitrating Space"by Steven Cairns, Issue 21/Spring 2010
ArtForum, "Red Comet" review by Marco Tagliafierro, March 2010
KALLAT, #4 the Magnetic issue, April 2010
Flash Art International, "Calendrier de l'Âme", review by Aurelié Voltz, no. 267, July–September 09
Cathedral, Anachronisms & Interferences, june 09
Purple Journal n°9, " Dialogue avec le modernisme " Sophie Bueno-Boutellier, Niels Trannois & Jean-Michel Wicker, Automne-Hiver 06/07
L 'image cabrée / 11è Prix Fondation d'entreprise Ricard , Fondation Ricard, Paris, France
NIVEAUARLAM , Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck,Austria
La Synagogue de Delme, édition Les presses du réel
Paris-londres : le voyage interieur catalogue
Lee 3 Tau Ceti Central Armory Show, Villa Arson