Since 1997 Sergio Belinchón ́s interest lies in landscape, city and urbanity. In individual series of photographs or videos, his work chronicles various aspects of what the city as human habitat, and urbanity as life ́s context, mean to the people inhabiting the cities. They are portrayed in Belinchón ́s photographs without necessarily being physically present in the images. From the anonymity and loneliness that the city represents, through the colonization of nature reduces to a constructed site- a colonization continually taking on new form, in which things appear and desappear, and where endless residential blocks build an abstraction of the identity of the subject- to the representations of typical places viewed by tourists in order to recognize things already seen, these spaces are transformed into vicarious forms of experience. And in the end the serie merge into an entity, which- exactly like the city- is made up of an accumulation of things, which lead ultimately into boundlessness.