almost impossible things

My artwork is based in a tradition of creating visual narratives—formed short stories via relationships in subject-composition, within individual artworks. These artworks exist as a mirrored world, communicating a personal relationship to particular objects or ideas, such as the psychology of perception, apophenia (the spontaneous perception of connectedness and meaningfulness in random phenomena: seeing patterns and connections where none exist), the philosophy of multiplicity, and defining uniqueness of expression within a digital age...or, more technical ideas such as fixed-point perspective and viewer positioning within virtual environments (both in reference to digital worlds, abstract landscapes and dreams). This often manifests in works-in-series, where each series borrows and builds upon what has come before, and often through combining old themes with new.

My process involves investigative research, whether scientific, literary or theoretical. In my artwork, I focus on the unstable balance of relationships between fact and fiction—I am influenced by contemporary science fiction just as much as I am by philosophical scientific theory. My drawn, painted or sometimes video-based images are something akin to a waking dream, but based on interpretations of the eye, the ear, the mind and the heart—imbedding a knowledge within the image that expresses perceptions of life in living day-to-day. It is my belief that the role of the artist is the translator of subtle perceptions, the artwork the vehicle for his thoughts.