Vera Cortes

Alex Impey and Nuno Gueifão

12 - 23 Dec 2008

Exhibition view
“Two flamingos in a fruit fight”

A project by Cíntia Gil

Vera Cortês, Art Agency
Opening reception on the 11th of December at 22h
From the 12th to the 23rd of December 2008
Tuesady to Friday from 11h to 19h
Saturday from 15h to 20h

«A vrai dire, tourbillons et lignes de force ne sont jamais dans l’esprit du physicien que des figures commodes, destinées à schématiser des calculs. (...) Or, la direction qu’ils indiquent n’est pas douteuse; ils nous montrent, cheminant à travers l’étendue concrète, des modifications, des perturbations, des changements de tension ou d’énergie, et rien autre chose.»
Henry Bergson, Matière et Mémoire, PUF, 1959, pág. 226

«Two Flamingos in a Fruit Fight»∗is an experiment on the possibility of creating a sensitive and complex materiality which is constituted as an affective collision – a destabilizing break between space continuity and the time cut that underlies each circuit between image and vision. This discontinuous and strange body comes from an assumption – art works are vital operations of incision in the temporality of a vibrating matter. They are displays of forces, tensions, disturbances that break the schemes we use to defend ourselves from life as a diverging, deforming, anomalous matter. We are talking about an operation of plunging into materiality as an energetic bifurcation – the vital encounter between a movement that is becoming actualized and a gesture that looses its center – physical destabilization. Nuno Gueifão and Alex Impey, in this exhibition at Vera Cortês Art Agency, offer us the strangeness of a difference that unbalances a possible movement between their works. From the intense variation between gesture and matter present in the works by Nuno Gueifão to the dispersive variation between energy and form present in the works by Alex Impey, we have here the indecibility between cut and continuity, organic and inorganic, presence and absence, structure and rhythm. Diverging lines of forces that resend us to an inominable and unplaceble knot – ourselves as a bifurcating matter-time – subjective beings.

Cíntia Gil