assemblages en modifications
01 Jun - 07 Jul 2019
assemblages en modifications
1 June – 7 July 2019
“I make use of three techniques, that of painting, assemblage and modification.
For painting, my starting point – the inner journey – largely determines the content.
The modification is more on the razor’s edge than my other work. In what appears a delicate balance between art and kitsch. But ultimately a work of art – an absolute condition – which in both form and content gives expression to the high kitsch level of Western civilization and its cultural forms.
In the assemblage there is a certain balance. For a more or less equal part, the first and the second starting point can determine the content.”
Some short notes by Lucassen, February 2014
assemblages en modifications
1 June – 7 July 2019
“I make use of three techniques, that of painting, assemblage and modification.
For painting, my starting point – the inner journey – largely determines the content.
The modification is more on the razor’s edge than my other work. In what appears a delicate balance between art and kitsch. But ultimately a work of art – an absolute condition – which in both form and content gives expression to the high kitsch level of Western civilization and its cultural forms.
In the assemblage there is a certain balance. For a more or less equal part, the first and the second starting point can determine the content.”
Some short notes by Lucassen, February 2014