"suppose there's right and wrong, it's probably right"
22 Apr - 28 May 2017
Lisa Gutscher, Peter Hermans, Klara Kayser, Marius Land, Leonie Nagel, Felix Pötzsch, Philipp Simon, Ernst Sylvester
22 Apr – 28 May
Access to THIS and HERE are not subject to limitations, except for YOUR aforementioned attention and preferences and your disposable time.
The preliminary handover between HERE/THIS and THERE takes place 21st of April, after which THIS and THERE can be physically accessed at the aforementioned location between 12:00 and 18:00, every day of the week.
Lisa Gutscher, Peter Hermans, Klara Kayser, Marius Land, Leonie Nagel, Felix Pötzsch, Philipp Simon, Ernst Sylvester
22 Apr – 28 May
Access to THIS and HERE are not subject to limitations, except for YOUR aforementioned attention and preferences and your disposable time.
The preliminary handover between HERE/THIS and THERE takes place 21st of April, after which THIS and THERE can be physically accessed at the aforementioned location between 12:00 and 18:00, every day of the week.