Yoshihiro Suda: zur Ausstellung in der Galerie Wohnmaschine 14. 10. 1999Als ich über eine neue Idee für die Ausstellung nachdachte, blühte eine Lilie vor meinem Studio, obwohl es etwas später als die nomale Blühtezeit war und niemand sie gepflanzt hat.
Jeden Tag habe ich den Prozess der Lilie von der Knospe bis zum Verwelken betrachtet und dachte ich über EN (die Beziehungen) nach.
Nicht weit entfernt vom Studio gab es auch ein paar blaueTrichterwinden, die jeden morgen blühten.
artist statement 1999
Recently, my actions appear to be increasingly under the control of a power which nobody can explain, whose existence nobody can deny- destiny.
Magnolia Grandiflora is a tree in which I have long felt an interest, but it was not until the present exhibition that I actually used it as the subject for my work. However, when I visited the Hara Museum after they had asked me to produce work for an exhibition, I saw the huge Magnolia Grandiflora trees standing in front of the entrance and knew immediately what my motif would be. At the time, the trees were still in bud and I am sure that if I had not been approached by the Hara Museum, particularly at that time of year, this work would never have been realized and would still be floating around unattended in some dark corner of my mind. I do not know whether destiny brought me to the Magnolia Grandiflora, to the Hara Museum or to some other, as yet unknown object. All I do know, however, is that this work is a direct result of this destiny.
Yoshihiro Suda
Translated by Gavin Frew