Gropius Bau

Canon #2

Samson Young

10 Nov 2019

Samson Young, Canon # 2 (Detail), 2016/2019

Photo: Luca Girardini, Courtesy the artist; Galerie Capitain & Edouard Malingue Gallery
Part of the exhibition "Walking Through Walls", Samson Young‘s work "Canon #2" investigates the use of sound as a weapon that has a direct impact on human behavior. It will be activated by an eponymous performance on one of the balconies overlooking the Gropius Bau’s atrium.

"Canon #2" consists of an LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device), a non-lethal sonic weapon. Situated on one of the balconies overlooking the Gropius Bau’s atrium, it mechanically sweeps across the central space. Once the device locates a person, it targets them with a concentrated sound beam of recorded birdcalls. Close by, a colonial-era Hong Kong police uniform is displayed; a silent reminder to the geopolitical divide that this performative sound installation by Young, references. At one point during the exhibition Young will operate the LRAD himself, pointing it at visitors in the Gropius Bau. The work expands Young’s ongoing exploration of the affective quality of music and sound as an invisible power that is capable of transcending the most impenetrable of physical barriers. The LRAD utilizes sound as a weapon that has a direct impact on human behaviour. Sound can be used as a tool of state control to separate people, both physically and psychologically.