Nine Budde
1975 born in Freiburg, Germany
Lives in Berlin, Germany


2004 MFA Degree for public art and new artistic strategies, Minneapolis College of Art and Design, USA
and Bauhaus-University, Weimar, Germany
2002 Diploma in Fine Arts at Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany
1999 Assistant of art photographer Linda Troeller, New York City


2024 Publication grant, Senat, Berlin
2023 NEUSTARTplus-grant, Stiftung Kunstfonds, Bonn
2022 Research grant, Senat, Berlin
2021 INITIAL, special grant, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
2014 IFA travel grant for Cairo, Egypt
2012 Villa Romana Price 2012, residency, Florence, Italy
2011 Female filmmakers grant, Senat, Berlin
2009 Fondazione March, residency, Padova, Italy
2008 Schloss Balmoral project grant New York City
2006/07 MAK-Schindler residency, Los Angeles
2006 GOLDEN ION Award, videoart competition in the course of the
63rd Film Biennale Venice
2004-2005 Postgraduate Grant of Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany
2002 Scholarship of DAAD
1999 - 2004 Scholarship of Künstlerförderung Cusanuswerk, Bonn


2024 "Odradek", Klosterscheune Zehdenick
NNOIN9 - Festival for Experimental Sounds, Zernikow
2023 "Kollisionen", Theaterhaus Mitte, Berlin
"rime amare", KA 32, Berlin
"Dramen der Gegenwart 2", Literarisches Colloquium Berlin and Ballhaus Ost
2022 "coffee and cigarettes - gestures of the past",
reading with slide show and music, Villa Romana, Florence
"your touch makes waves", Cashmere Radio at Galerie Ebensperger, Berlin
2021 "new arrogance", Pavillon am Milchhof, Berlin (s)
"RAVE", public intervention, Biesenthal
"Dear Reader", Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin
"Fear, no Fear", Times Art Center, Berlin
2020 "Pussies in Space", ongoing public art interventions, Berlin
2019 "Schluss", Schaufenster, Berlin
"Imaginary Bauhaus Museum", Schillermuseum, Weimar
2018 "t=600", graveyard Lilienthalstr., Berlin
2017 "HOW MY LAND LIES", West-Germany, Berlin
"Odyssey", Lake Möhnesee and Kunstverein Arnsberg
"XX", Memphis, Linz, Austria
"u.A.w.g.", Majolika Manufaktur Karlsruhe
2016 "no dogs are allowed in the shower", University of Tromsø, Norway
"G7", Kunsthalle Hamburger Platz, Berlin
"Die Bilder der Anderen", Kommunale Galerie Berlin
2015 "gala", Galerie Burger, Berlin
2014 "Krampfologie", Kunstwerke, Berlin
INUNDUMUNDUMHERUM, Kunstverein Arnsberg
2013 "Der letzt Blick", Black Box, Kino Arsenal, Berlin (s)
"Erogenous Zone", Galerie am Körnerpark, Berlin
"Villa Romana, 1905 - 2013, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn
2012 "Etna Carrara, Ludwig Forum Aachen
"Foreign Figgs in Florence", Villa Romana, Florence
"The day after tomorrow", Kunsthaus L6, Freiburg (s)
"Storytellers", Superfluo, Padua
2011 "Control", Magazin4, Kunstverein Bregenz
"Sieg über die Sonne", Basso Berlin und KUB Kunsthaus Bregenz
"Squaring the Circle", IAC Gallery & GlogauAIR, Berlin
2010 "Qui Vive?", Moskow Biennale for Young Art, Moskow
"Ein Fest für Boris, 2.Akt", V. Manalese & Fils, Berlin
"Die Glocke", Performance Roter Salon, Volksbühne, Berlin (s)
"AKA Symbol", Forgotten Bar Project and HBC, Berlin
"80/81", Performance, LaPerla Mode, Zürich
"Man könnte es die Elastizität des Raumes nennen", Galerie im Regierungsviertel, Berlin
2009 "In between silence", Fondazione March, Padova (s)
"500km2", Kunsthalle Mainz, Mainz
"I lost my sense of romanticism", Trottoir, Hamburg (s)
Participator in Karin Sanders "Zeigen. Eine Audiotour durch Berlin.", Temporäre Kunsthalle, Berlin
2008 "videoarchive", Halle für Kunst, Lüneburg
"Passenger", Glassbox sans le mur à CIUP, Paris
"UNsichtbar", Deutschvilla Strobl, Austria
2007 "Exquisite Corps I" MAK Center, Los Angeles
"Exquisite Corps II" INMO Gallery, Los Angeles
"Gone with the wind" Aktualisierungsraum, Hamburg (s)
"Sterne aus dem Videopalast" Galerie NoD, Prag
2006 "verglückt nochmal" Galerie Ute Perduhn, Düsseldorf
"Eastern Alliance 3 or Teledivision Show" Museum for Contemporary Art, Bucharest and KSA:K, Chisinau, Moldova
"Tomorrow Now" Fondazione Bevilaqua la Masa, Venice
"Latitude of Loneliness" Schute der Galerie für Landschaftskunst, Hamburg, (s)
"Lieber Friedrich" Kunstverein Kassel, Kassel
2005 "screenfields" Takeshi Itos Session House Gallery, Tokyo
"hotspots" Sammlung Essl, Vienna
"monitoring" Kasseler Dokumentary-and Videofestival, Kassel
2004 "I’m trying to tell you I love you" Kunstamt Bethanien, Berlin, Germany and threewalls gallery, Chicago
"Janka B./ThomasW." public art, mosaics at pedestrian walk at the station of Weimar
"Memoryclub" public intervention, Weimar (s)
"Heute hier, morgen dort" Halle für zeitgenössische Kunst, Münster,
2003 "So geht das also" MODELS+FRAMES, Art- and Mediacentre
Adlershof, Berlin
"Multiplicity Border Devices Project", Utopia Station, Venice Biennale
"Lovebattle" Kunstverein Arnsberg, Arnsberg (s)
2002 "Liebe im Ilmpark" public intervention at Ilmparc, Weima
"Station" Kunstamt Bethanien, Berlin
"Skaterdater" MCAD, Minneapolis
2001 "get that balance" Kampnagel, Hamburg
"novalog 2001-new media ecxperiences"
Videoscreening with Natascha Rossi, Rachel & Israel Pollack
Galerie,Tel Aviv and Reichsbank, Berlin
"Female Takeover" Ars Electronica, Linz
2000 "auf montage" in coproduktion mit Natascha Rossi,Galleri 21:25,
"real work" Biennale Werkleitz,
"Flexibilitätsversuche" Fridericianum, Kassel

Projects and academic work

Academic work /
2014 - 2021
Teaching at sculptor dept., Weißensee, art academy, Berlin
2015/16 and 2016/17
Theory seminar about "measuring the genders" and "the view on the other in
contemporary photography", in cooperation with Dr. H. Barrenechea, UDK Berlin
Theory seminar about "artistic research in the digital age", MFA, ZHdK, Zürich
Teaching-assistant, BA Fine Arts, Zürcher Hochschule d. Künste (ZHdK), Zürich
Children Public Art Workshop, Temeswar, Rumania, Arnsberg, Berlin
Artist talk during screenfileds exhibition presented by the Video Art Centre, Tokyo
Participation of panel discussion at ARS ELECTRONICA
Lector for video workshops at the European Youth Education Centre, Weimar
Lectoring video-art at Stockton College, NJ, USA

Projects /
Townhouse Projekt, research project about urban gentrification with Dominikus Müller and
Kito Nedo
Participation of a public art competition for a monument for Berlin female imprisoners during WW II, in cooperation with Franka Hörnschemeyer
Stage- and costumedesign, "Der Findling" (H.Kleist), Theater Meiningen, Germany
Stage- and costumedesign "Werther" (J.-W. Goethe), Theater Meiningen, Germany


Andrea und Johannes Teiser Collection


Non Garden Book, Villa Romana, 2019, Viceversabooks, ISBN: 978-3-00-063263-1
Villa Romana Preisträger 2012, Argo Books, 2013, ISBN 978-3-942700-33-7
Control, Magazin 4 – Kunstverein Bregenz, 2012, ISBN 978-3-99018-114-0
Sieg über die Sonne, KUB Bregenz, 2012, ISBN 978-3-86335-137-3
disko 19 - budde/burghhardt/nedo: townhouses, Februar 2011, ISBN 978-3-940092-04-5
testcard#15, THE MEDIUM IS THE MESS, page 185 f, Ventil Verlag Mainz, April 2006 ISBN 3-931555-14-3
Kunstforum#168, Müllkunst, page 336 f, January-February 2004
Portrait, Artikel in der TAZ Zwei, 26.08.2005, S.25
Hotspots, Sammlung Essl, Klosterneuburg, 2005, ISBN 3-902001-26-7
Heute hier, morgen dort..., Kunsthalle f. zeitgenössische Kunst Münster, Kulturamt der Stadt Münster, Münster, 2004, ISBN 3-935730-15-2
I’m trying to tell you, I love you, Ausstellungskatalog, Weimar, Berlin, Chicago, 2004
So geht das also, Ausstellungskatalog, models+frames, Adlershof, Berlin, 2003
Marion Ermer Preis 2002, Ausstellungskatalog, Marion Ermer Stiftung, Leipzig, 2002
Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2004, ISBN 3- 86068-222-9
Strangers in paradise, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2000, ISBN 3-86068-133-8
after work, Werkleitz Gesellschaft, 2000/2001, ISBN 3-00-007686-7
rundgang 4-7, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, 2001, ISBN 3-927015-28-8
Sanatorium für Ästhetische und Anästhetische Eingriffe, Bauhaus-Universität
Weimar, 2000, ISBN 3-22589-133-8
neu deli, exhibitions, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2001, ISBN 3-221068-134-8
