Sigmund Freud
19 Sep 2014 - 11 Jan 2015

Foto: Ulrich Dertschei, © Belvedere, Vienna
and the Play on the Burden of Representation
19 September 2014 - 11 January 2015
An installation by Joseph Kosuth
With works from the Belvedere Collection and the Sigmund Freud Museum Contemporary Art Collection
Curated by Mario Codognato, Joseph Kosuth, and Luisa Ziaja.
In cooperation with the Sigmund Freud Museum, Vienna.
In 1989, American Conceptual artist Joseph Kosuth created the installation Zero & Not at Berggasse 19 to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Sigmund Freud’s death. This project laid the basis for the contemporary art collection of the Sigmund Freud Museum, which today features distinguished international artists.
Twenty-five years later – on the occasion of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the death of the founder of psychoanalysis – the 21er Haus and Joseph Kosuth are staging a new version of Zero & Not as the main spatial element of the exhibition Sigmund Freud and the Play on the Burden of Representation. It combines most of the artist’s key Freud-related works with the Sigmund Freud Museum Contemporary Art Collection, a selection from the Belvedere Collection, as well as recent works on the subject of art and psychoanalysis.
In its artistic and curatorial approach the show takes the form of a large installation by Kosuth, drawing on his seminal exhibition projects Wittgenstein – Das Spiel des Unsagbaren at the Vienna Secession (1989) and The Play of the Unmentionable at the Brooklyn Museum of Art (1990).
With artworks by Magnus Arnason, Richard Artschwager, John Baldessari, Vanessa Beecroft, Wolfgang Berkowski, Linda Bilda, Pierre Bismuth, Fatima Bornemissza, Mike Bouchet, Marcel Broodthaers, Victoria Browne, Günter Brus, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Gerard Byrne, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Theres Cassini, Clegg & Guttmann, Peter Coffin, Adriana Czernin, Thomas Demand, Jessica Diamond, Mark Dion, Cerith Wyn Evans, Jimmie Durham, Marc Goethals, Douglas Gordon, Robert Gruber, Caroline Heider, Georg Herold, Susan Hiller, Damien Hirst, Christine Hohenbüchler, Hans Hollein, Jenny Holzer, Birgit Jürgenssen, Ilya Kabakov, Mike Kelley, Joseph Kosuth, Liane Lang, Tina Lechner, Sherrie Levine, Thomas Locher, Sarah Lucas, Sanna Marander/Niklas Tafra, Gordon Matta-Clark, Paul McCarthy, Olaf Nicolai, Albert Oehlen, Meret Oppenheim, Edith Payer, Arnulf Rainer, Constanze Ruhm/Matthias Herrmann, Markus Schinwald, Rudolf Schwarzkogler, Cindy Sherman, Cindy Smith, Ettore Spalletti, Haim Steinbach, Hito Steyerl, Rudolf Stingel, Jürgen Teller, Rosemarie Trockel, Gavin Turk, Bill Viola, Peter Weibel, Franz West, Tanja Widmann, Francesca Woodman, Heimo Zobernig.