La Biennale di Lyon
Lyon Biennale 2022
14 Sep - 31 Dec 2022
Visite tous publics aux Usines Fagor pendant la 16e édition de la Biennale de Lyon. Œuvre d' Abdullah Al Othman, Manifesto: the Language and the City, 2021. Courtesy de l’artiste et Lakum Artspace. Commande de la Diriyah Biennale Foundation. Avec le soutien de la Diriyah Biennale Foundation © Blandine Soulage
Visite tous publics aux Usines Fagor pendant la 16e édition de la Biennale de Lyon. Collection des Moulages, Université Lumière Lyon 2 © Blandine Soulage
Visite tous publics aux Usines Fagor pendant la 16e édition de la Biennale de Lyon. Œuvre de Clemens Behr, Ruines Flottantes, 2022. Avec le soutien de l’ifa - Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, du Goethe-Institut Lyon et de Diatex. Avec l’aimable collaboration de la Ville de Givors, l’Auditorium de Lyon, Lugdunum - Musée et théâtres romains, Lycée Sainte-Marie - La Verpillière © Adagp, Paris, 2022. Photo : Blandine Soulage
Vernissage aux Anciennes Usines Fagor, le 13 septembre 2022. Au premier plan : Léo Fourdrinier, Mind and Senses Purified. Avec le soutien de Gros Mots. Au second plan : Nicolas Daubanes, Je ne reconnais pas la compétence de votre tribunal !, en collaboration avec l' historien Marc André. Courtesy de la Galerie Maubert © Adagp, Paris, 2022. Avec le soutien de ATC. À l' arrière plan : Eva Fàbregas, Growths. Avec le soutien de Fluxus Art Projects, de Acción Cultural Española (AC/E). Courtesy des artistes. 16e Biennale d' art contemporain de Lyon, Usines Fagor © Blandine Soulage
Vernissage aux Anciennes Usines Fagor, le 13 septembre 2022. Premier plan : Eva Fàbregas, Growths. Avec le soutien de Fluxus Art Projects, de Acción Cultural Española (AC/E). Au second plan : Aurélie Pétrel, Minuit chez Roland [31 décembre]. Courtesy de Ceysson & Bénétière. Avec le soutien de Artproject, de Arioste Immobilier, Ceysson & Benetière, de Saint-Gobain - Alp’Verre© Adagp, Paris, 2022. Courtesy des artistes. 16e Biennale d' art contemporain de Lyon, Usines Fagor. Photo : Blandine Soulage
Vernissage aux Anciennes Usines Fagor, le 13 septembre 2022. Premier plan : Philipp Timischl, The Embedded Mentality of Self-Sufficiency, 2021. Courtesy de Layr, Vienne. Avec le soutien de Phileas Fund of Contemporary Art, de la Chancellerie fédérale de la République d’Autriche, du Forum Culturel Autrichien de Paris, de Layr, Vienne. Second plan : Nicolas Daubanes, Je ne reconnais pas la compétence de votre tribunal !, en collaboration avec l' historien Marc André. Courtesy de Galerie Maubert. Avec le soutien de ATC. Courtesy des artistes. 16e Biennale d' art contemporain de Lyon, Usines Fagor © Adagp, Paris, 2022. Photo : Blandine Soulage
Visite tous publics aux Usines Fagor pendant la 16e édition de la Biennale de Lyon. Premier plan : Léo Fourdrinier, Mind and Senses Purified, 2022. Courtesy de l’artiste. Avec le soutien de Gros Mots. Second plan : Taryn Simon, Paperwork and the Will of Capital, 2021. Courtesy Gagosian Gallery, NYC. Avec le soutien de la Galerie Gagosian, NYC © Blandine Soulage
Visite tous publics aux Usines Fagor pendant la 16e édition de la Biennale de Lyon. Œuvre de Léo Fourdrinier, Mind and Senses Purified, 2022. Courtesy de l’artiste. Avec le soutien de Gros Mots © Blandine Soulage
Visite tous publics dans le Hall 4 aux Usines Fagor pendant la 16e édition de la Biennale de Lyon. Œuvre d' Hans Op de Beeck, We Were the Last to Stay, 2022 Avec le soutien de Galleria Continua, de la galerie Krinzinger, de la Collection Wemhöner, de Pia Gazil, de Carrion Génie Civil Maçonnerie, de Mat-Eco Recyclage. © Adagp, Paris, 2022. Photo : Blandine Soulage
Visite tous publics dans le Hall 4 aux Usines Fagor pendant la 16e édition de la Biennale de Lyon. Œuvre d' Hans Op de Beeck, We Were the Last to Stay, 2022 Avec le soutien de Galleria Continua, de la galerie Krinzinger, de la Collection Wemhöner, de Pia Gazil, de Carrion Génie Civil Maçonnerie, de Mat-Eco Recyclage. © Adagp, Paris, 2022. Photo : Blandine Soulage
Title: Manifesto of Fragility
Artistic Directors: Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath
The 16th Lyon Biennale: manifesto of fragility positions fragility at the heart of a generative form of resistance that is emboldened by the past, responsive to the present and primed for the future. In acknowledging fragility as one of few universally felt truths in our divided world, the Biennale assembles a host of creative practices and objects spanning two millennia that variously speak to the vulnerabilities of people and places, past and present, near and far. Conceived as a collective statement authored through word, image, sound and movement by 200 artists and creatives, it calls on a community of resilient voices to draft a manifesto for a world that is blamelessly fragile. The Biennale is structured around three distinct yet inter-connected layers, where fragility and resistance are explored through the lens of the individual, the city, and the world respectively.
The many lives and deaths of Louise Brunet, on view on the 3rd floor at the macLYON, is a fictionalized retelling of the obscure life of Louise Brunet, a young woman who was sent to prison for her role in the 1834 revolt of the Lyon silk weavers, only to find herself a few years later on a perilous journey from Lyon to the silk factories of Mount Lebanon.
Beirut and the Golden Sixties, on view on the 1st and 2nd floors at the macLYON, highlights collisions between art and political ideologies during a romanticized era of global influence in Beirut – the city where Louise Brunet landed around a century earlier, beginning with the 1958 Lebanon crisis and ending with the 1975 outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War.
A world of endless promise, on view here and at eleven other locations across the city of Lyon representing Lyon’s diverse cultural and architectural history, embodies various faces of fragility through contemporary and historical artworks, new site-specific commissions, and a diversity of objects. It presents a panorama of past and current moments of global perseverance and proposes future forms of being in the world.
The destiny of Lyon has always been marked by the particularities of its people and the traces of their experiences. The 16th Lyon Biennale takes its cue from Lyon’s layered histories as embodied in the Roman foundations of Lugdunum, the echoes of Napoleon’s declaration of love to the Lyonnais, or the flickering images of the Lumière brothers actualités, just to name a few. manifesto of fragility departs from these local accounts while it searches for connections beyond the limits of geography and time. Eternally cyclical, our fragility repeatedly rises to the fore, stares us in the face, regardless of who and where we are, then seemingly disappears, while it lingers on underneath time’s thick skin, dormant yet not gone, silent but never silenced.
Mohamad Abdouni, Gabriel Abrantes, Amina Agueznay, Remie Akl, Julio Anaya Cabanding, Giulia Andreani, Mali Arun, Dana Awartani, Clemens Behr, Nina Beier, Ailbhe Ní Bhriain, Lucile Boiron, Phoebe Boswell, Sarah Brahim, Leyla Cárdenas, Julian Charrière, Jean Claracq, Clément Cogitore, Nicolas Daubanes, Jose Dávila, Buck Ellison, Eva Fàbregas, Mohammed Al Faraj, Philipp Fleischmann, Léo Fourdrinier, Chafa Ghaddar, Olivier Goethals, Pedro Gómez-Egaña, Marta Górnicka, Nicki Green, Joana Hadjitomas & Khalil Joreige, Klára Hosnedlová, Nadia Kaabi-Linke, Néstor Jiménez, Annika Kahrs, Özgür Kar, Mohammed Kazem, kennedy+swan, Michelle & Noel Keserwany, Tarik Kiswanson, Nadine Labaki and Khaled Mouzanar, Hashel Al Lamki, Richard Learoyd, Hannah Levy, Randa Maroufi, Lucy McRae, Jesse Mockrin, Filwa Nazer, Eva Nielsen, Toyin Ojih Odutola, Hans Op de Beeck, Organon Art Cie, Daniel Otero Torres, Abdullah Al Othman, Daniel De Paula, Aurélie Pétrel, Sarah del Pino, Joanna Piotrowska, Christina Quarles, Omar Rajeh and Mia Habis, Erin M. Riley, Sara Sadik, Cemile Sahin, Eszter Salamon with the Jeune Ballet of the CNSMD Lyon (under the artistic direction of Kylie Walters), Ugo Schiavi, Markus Schinwald, Sylvie Selig, Seher Shah, Jeremy Shaw, Muhannad Shono, Taryn Simon, Kim Simonsson, Valeska Soares, Studio Safar, Young-jun Tak, Lucia Tallova, Philipp Timischl, Salman Toor, Evita Vasiljeva, Puck Verkade, WangShui, Munem Wasif, James Webb, Hannah Weinberger, Raed Yassin, Zhang Ruyi, Zhang Yunyao...
Shafic Abboud,
Mohamad Abdouni,
Gabriel Abrantes,
Etel Adnan,
Ann Agee,
Amina Agueznay,
Remie Akl,
Dia al-Azzawi,
Fateh al-Moudarres,
Adel al-Saghir,
Giulia Andreani,
Farid Aouad,
Mali Arun,
Dana Awartani,
Joachim Bandau,
Sam Bardaouil,
Alfred Basbous,
Joseph Basbous,
Michel Basbous,
Hans Op de Beeck,
Clemens Behr,
Nina Beier,
Semİha Berksoy,
Henri-Gatien Bertrand,
Assadour Bezdikian,
Ailbhe Ní Bhriain,
Eugène Bideau,
Lucile Boiron,
Phoebe Boswell,
Louis Boulanger,
Louis Bouquet,
Sarah Brahim,
Nicolas Guy Brenet,
Joseph-Auguste Brunier,
Julio Anaya Cabanding,
Huguette Caland,
Le Caravage,
Leyla Cárdenas,
E. Caryocost,
Rafic Charaf,
Jean-Baptiste Charlier,
Julian Charrière,
Jean Chaudier,
Saloua Raouda Choucair,
Organon Art Cie,
Vittorio Amadeo Cingoli,
Jean Claracq,
J.P. Clerc,
Clement Cogitore,
Pierre Combet-Descombes,
Antoine Coysevox,
Nicolas Daubanes,
José Dávila,
Caroline Deschamps,
Alexandre-François Desportes,
Michael Zeno Diemer,
Etienne Dinet,
Georges Doche,
E. Duneau,
Johann Ludwig Rudolph Durheim,
Jumana Bayazid El-Husseini,
Helen El-Khal,
Buck Ellison,
Abraham Van Der Eyk,
Eva Fàbregas,
Mohammed Al Faraj,
Simone Fattal,
Till Fellrath,
Philipp Fleischmann,
Léo Fourdrinier,
Rafael França,
Jean-Baptiste Frénet,
Tony Garnier,
Chafa Ghaddar,
Laure Ghorayeb,
Olivier Goethals,
Pedro Gómez-Egaña,
J.E Goossens,
Marta Górnicka,
Nicki Green,
Antoine-Jean Gros,
D. Gros,
Paul Guiragossian,
Mia Habis,
Farid Haddad,
John Hadidian,
Joana Hadjithomas,
Klára Hosnedlová,
Auguste Jahandier,
Néstor Jiménez,
Lucien Jonas,
Khalil Joreige,
Nadia Kaabi-Linke,
Annika Kahrs,
Özgür Kar,
Mohammed Kazem,
Dorothy Salhab Kazemi,
Michelle & Noel Keserwany,
Tarik Kiswanson,
Nadine Labaki,
Hashel Al Lamki,
Philippe De Lassalle,
Richard Learoyd,
Hannah Levy,
Marie Lle,
Georges-Brunet Mahuet,
Randa Maroufi,
Simone Baltaxé Martayan,
Jesse Mockrin,
Jamil Molaeb,
Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer,
Nicolas Moufarrege,
Mehdi Moutashar,
Khaled Mouzanar,
Filwa Nazer,
Eva Nielsen,
William De Niewkerque,
Toyin Ojih Odutola,
Abdullah Al Othman,
Alessandro Varotari dit Padovanino,
Daniel De Paula,
Laurent Pecheux,
Aurélie Pétrel,
Sarah Del Pino,
Joanna Piotrowska,
Carlo Portelli,
Christina Quarles,
Lucy Mc Rae,
Omar Rajeh,
Aref El Rayess,
Erin M. Riley,
Sara Sadik,
Studio Safar,
Cemile Sahin,
Mahmoud Said,
Nadia Saikali,
Eszter Salamon,
Hashim Samarchi,
Mona Saudi,
Ugo Schiavi,
Markus Schinwald,
Sylvie Selig,
Juliana Seraphim,
Seher Shah,
Jeremy Shaw,
Muhannad Shono,
Taryn Simon,
Kim Simonsson,
Valeska Soares,
Cici Sursock,
Young-jun Tak,
Lucia Tallová,
Francisco Tamagno,
David Teniers,
Augustin Thierriat,
Philipp Timischl,
Salman Toor,
Daniel Otero Torres,
Evita Vasiljeva,
Puck Verkade,
Emile Vernet-Lecomte,
Munem Wasif,
James Webb,
Hannah Weinberger,
Raed Yassin,
Khalil Zgaib,
Yunyao Zhang,
RuYi Zhang