John Heartfield
Photography plus Dynamite
02 Jun - 23 Aug 2020

John Heartfield, Krieg und Leichen – Die letzte Hoffnung der Reichen [War and corpses – The last hope of the rich], 1932 © The Heartfield Community of Heirs / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020. Akademie der Künste, Berlin
John Heartfield (1891–1968) was one of the most innovative artists of the 20th century. His political photomontages became icons in the fight against National Socialism. The exhibition “John Heartfield – Photography plus Dynamite” which shows the many facets of his art, from montage and book design to set design, photography and animated film, is open from 2 Jun to 23 Aug 2020. Please book your ticket online if possible.
Due to the coronavirus, the extensive interdisciplinary programme of events with films and performances, lectures, readings and workshops could and can not take place in the planned form. Instead, the Akademie der Künste is making several digital offerings available to complement the analogue exhibition.
Under the title “Kosmos Heartfield” a virtual presentation shows photos, documents and audiovisual material attesting to the life and impact of John Heartfield, the pioneer of photomontage, and gives new impulses to the discussion of the political artist. The website also illustrates his collaborative creative network and complements the show at the Akademie der Künste at Pariser Platz.
“Heartfield Online” is the reworking and digitalization of Heartfield's estate, which is located in the Akademie der Künste. The publicly accessible online catalogue assembles John Heartfield's graphic oeuvre in an adequate form on the Internet, with over 6,000 works. Many previously unknown works will be presented to the public for the first time and can thus provide new impulses for scholarly debate. The online catalogue is the basis of the show “John Heartfield – Photography plus Dynamite”.
Due to the coronavirus, the extensive interdisciplinary programme of events with films and performances, lectures, readings and workshops could and can not take place in the planned form. Instead, the Akademie der Künste is making several digital offerings available to complement the analogue exhibition.
Under the title “Kosmos Heartfield” a virtual presentation shows photos, documents and audiovisual material attesting to the life and impact of John Heartfield, the pioneer of photomontage, and gives new impulses to the discussion of the political artist. The website also illustrates his collaborative creative network and complements the show at the Akademie der Künste at Pariser Platz.
“Heartfield Online” is the reworking and digitalization of Heartfield's estate, which is located in the Akademie der Künste. The publicly accessible online catalogue assembles John Heartfield's graphic oeuvre in an adequate form on the Internet, with over 6,000 works. Many previously unknown works will be presented to the public for the first time and can thus provide new impulses for scholarly debate. The online catalogue is the basis of the show “John Heartfield – Photography plus Dynamite”.