Albert Baronian

Magali Reus

28 Mar - 11 May 2013

© Magali Reus
Delay, detail, 2012
Brushed aluminium, cast and mirror polished aluminium
28 March - 11 May 2013

In the Room Magali Reus presents Out of Empty, consisting of two new works: Parking (Slip), a single fold-open chair mounted at low level on the wall and Out of Empty, a glass container sitting seamlessly inside the wall between the main gallery and the Room.

Upon entering one has the sensation of being in a transitory space, where one is held to wait before moving on to the next. This temporary moment of transience and deferral, before completion or arrival, according to Reus contains the most exciting potential, relating it to the moment in the production process when a liquid mass gets transformed into a finished product.

This idea of material being in flux between liquid and solid states is translated into the glass container, holding a series of objects cast from aluminium batteries and black polyurethane rubber watches which are stranded in a layer of iced water. Just as the watches have become obsolete accessories, the batteries here – usually capsules of fluid energy setting things into motion – have turned into fossils venting their own ineffectuality.

Next to this, Parking (Slip), an objects that takes its beginning from the form of a chair, suggestive being part of a modular unit now incomplete, and of functional usage but absent from any operative human force. Using the chair as a platform for visibility, a perforated, powder-coated aluminium stick containing Men’s Health and Car magazine covers sits on top. Reminiscent of a walking stick, it is casually presented as an extension to improve the body’s mobility. The chair’s flat blank colour and gently moulded resin form, has a softness reminiscent of corporate packing or children’s bedrooms but there is a violence to its surface impenetrability: it cannot exude or absorb, is wipe clean, and so sealed and emotionally reluctant. This again is reinforced by the PVC cover which awkwardly slides over its backing, its glossy surface able to resist any direct contact. While offering the promise of fulfilment and speed, it continues to exist just out of physical grasp.

Born 1981, The Hague, The Netherlands
Lives and works in London and Amsterdam

Tags: Magali Reus