
Vesa-Pekka Rannikko

10 May - 28 Jul 2006


Vesa-Pekka Rannikko (born 1968) is an original sculptor, who received the prize of the Raimo Utriainen Foundation in 2002 and the Ducat Prize of the Finnish Fine Arts Association in 2003.
Rannikko's sculpture is distantly related to Stephan Balkenhol's painted works in wood, but where Balkenhol paints the surface of his pieces, Rannikko sculpts colour in concrete terms. He constructs his works of especially hard plaster that is coloured throughout and the pieces look as if he had painted the air with a large brush. Both the technique and its related concept are unprecedented. The works are precise in their colours and the soft and juicy appearance of the plaster creates interesting tensions. Rannikko's sculptures address their surrounding space in a forceful manner, challenging the viewer to consider the differences and shared aspects of various genres of art.
Vesa-Pekka Rannikko ́s one-man show at Galerie Anhava's department at the Market Art Fair in Stockholm last February was a solid success. Rannikko currently has an installation exhibition on show at the Pori Art Museum until the 28th of May.

© Vesa-Pekka Rannikko
Owl, 2006
body-tinted plaster, 152 x 50 x 83 cm

Tags: Stephan Balkenhol, Vesa-Pekka Rannikko