Anita Beckers

Satellit: Johannes Wald

18 Mar - 22 Apr 2006


„Johannes Wald“

Vernissage: Samstag, 18.3., ab 17:00 Uhr
Ausstellungsdauer: 18.03. – 22.04.2006
Öffnungszeiten: Di - Fr 14:00 - 19:00 Uhr
Sa 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung

Projektraum Satellit: Braubachstraße 15 [Technisches Rathaus / zwischen Frankfurter Kunstverein und SCHIRN, gegenüber des SCHIRN Cafés]

SATELLIT is the new project space, which the Galerie Anita Beckers will run as an unusual space for art under exceptional conditions with the support of the town Frankfurt.

The space, an ancient tavern, is situated in the Technical Town-Hall (Braubachstrasse 15), between SCHIRN and Kunstverein Frankfurt, vis-à-vis the SCHIRN Café.

This space, whose character is still stamped by its past and which in its appearance totally opposes the requirements of the „white cube“, will be offered to young artists, who want to deal with these difficult preconditions.

The young artist JOHANNES WALD will undertake the first attempt to appropriate the space through the art.

The game has begun, the results are not calculable and the end is left open!

The space, in the sense of a construction site, will adopt to the particular conditions.

JOHANNES WALD (*1980) lives in Karlsruhe and studies sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe under Prof. Harald Klingelhöller.

Starting point for JOHANNES WALDs sculptures, drawings and video works mostly is a closed process, which is reflected and made readable for the spectator in different manners in his works.
This process is documented in the video works, eternalised as a product in the form of a sculpture or formulated as a possibility, as a narrative.

The game, the esprit and the pleasure in the built object on the one hand and the accurateness, the formal closeness and the consistency on the other hand determine the artistic thinking of Johannes Wald.
What happens if a sewing machine sews in itself in an artificial leather covering? The result is an absurd biomorphic sculpture. Strange associations materialise which can not be derived offhand out of the creation process. ("zigzag sculpture" 2006 )
Where did the banal red-brown splashes on the wall result from? A belated Action Painting - paraphrase? Only the title of the work reveals the brutal procedure the artist must have undergone to apply these blood marks to the wall. ("bloody nose" 2006 )
A space covered with countless neon coloured potsherds of splitted clay pigeons, bullet holes in the wall and a sling for clay pigeons ready to launch, witness the repeated shellings. The space changes to an accessible hybrid between painting and sculpture. ("natural bird" 2004 )
It appears bold, succinct and poetical at ones when Johannes Wald demonstrates in his video how a firework rocket rises in a street light, explodes in the lamp shade and for some seconds colourfully lightens the dawn. It only remains a slowly dissolving dust. ("o.T." 2005 )
The searching pleasure to try out combined with a sense for the artistic media revealing in Johannes Wald‘s works, intrigue for his further development.

Johannes Esper

Tags: Johannes Esper, Harald Klingelhöller, Johannes Wald