
Sarah Cole and Coram Young Parents

13 May - 05 Jun 2010

Photograph by Tas Kyprianou

An Artangel Interaction Commission

13 May - 5 June 2010

Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings; 5-8 pm
Started from Clink Hostel, 78 Kings Cross Road, London, WC1X 9QG

Climbing the narrow stairs of a three-sided tower a girl searches for her lost cherries, is pushed aside by a braying buggy and tries not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Quite literally skating on thin ice, this is a world where stability is both sought and fought. Smother was a story of emotional resilience, adaptability, loneliness and joy, of constant battles and glorious victories.

Housed in the dolls-house frame of 101 Kings Cross Road, resting precariously above London’s ancient river Fleet, the inhabitants of Smother showed us a glimpse of a world where young parents navigate their own adulthood amidst the complexities of raising a child.

Conceptualised and developed with a group of parents from age fourteen to mid-twenties and their children, Smother encapsulated the vastly different experiences of these young mothers and fathers as they passed through weekly drop-in sessions at Coram.

Smother was developed over nine months through a series of workshops and discussions. Artist Sarah Cole worked with composer Jules Maxwell and the young parents to direct an experience that offered the audience a rare invitation into an honest and intimate personal space.

The Coram Young Parents drop-in is a weekly opportunity for young parents to share experiences and find support with a wide range of issues whilst their children can play in a stimulating environment.

Smother was previewed as part of Reveal a Create KX initiative during Spring 2010 which animated Kings Cross through a dynamic display of visual and digital art, live music and site specific performance.

The second Artangel Podcast, released on 19 May 2010, features artist Sarah Cole and parents from the Coram foundation discussing the project.

This project is supported by Arts Council England, Artangel International Circle, Special Angels and The Company of Angels.