Jochen Mühlenbrink

11 Jan - 22 Feb 2014

© Jochen Mühlenbrink
Petersburg Rapid [Detail], 2013
Oil and acrylic on canvas
150 x 220 cm
Stroke Hold
11 January – 22 February 2014

The paintings of Jochen Mühlenbrink leave traditional formats behind and extend into the exhibition space: the realist depiction of a typical studio situation, spread across the wall, reveals an abundance of cardboards, mounted frames and loosely pinned on sketches. Other paintings focus on postcards, post-its and polaroids, joined at the edges by trompe-l’oeil tape. Stroke Hold – the gesture of the painting process is frozen, in, before or after it happens painting. Mühlenbrink works in a field of conceptual painting which takes an ironically distanced look at itself and, besides offering sensual and intuitive access, reflects the context of its own interpretation and meaning.

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