Bernd Kugler

Patrycja German

27 Jan - 24 Feb 2007

"mich auf dich. dicht an dicht"

Patrycja German doesn’t content herself with hypothetical forms. Her art consists of creating concrete situations. At the centre of which is her person and a clearly structured (but not necessarily “simple”) instruction. Her presence and her action – since the artist herself always appears as protagonist – form the starting situation of her life art performances in front of an audience as well as of video-documented actions. In the most recent productions her interest is focused on interacting with a person opposite. She lays down the role intended for the other players and imparts it to those concerned in form of a verbal or gestural instruction (therefore without explanations), but like with a test arrangement this doesn’t define anything but a basic constellation. The suspense of her works is in their incalculability, the potentiality resulting from the interaction. How will the other one react? How do I deal with that reaction?

Dr. Margrit Brehm

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