Künstlerhaus Bethanien

Song-Ming Ang

02 - 25 Mar 2012

Cover Versions
2 - 25 March, 2012

The key subject of Song-Ming Ang's works and performances is music; he investigates its influences on society and the individual. Ang uses materials such as songs, musical instruments or fan articles, which he reshapes following his own logic and self-imposed restrictions, or puts into new contexts that often astonish the viewer. The exhibition "Cover Versions" shows new works by the artist, including a photo poster of the teenie idol Justin Bieber like the ones available at autograph sessions, for example - with the vital difference that the Bieber signature on the poster was produced by Ang. A folder included with the poster documents the time-consuming writing practice, reminiscent of mantras, which Song-Ming Ang undertook to approach the "perfect" signature. Ang has also positioned a piano in the exhibition space - as can be seen on the HD video belonging to the work, the artist dismantled this piano in its very parts and subsequently reassembled it during a complicated, step-by-step learning process in a piano workshop. Other works shown are a wall installation that combines several record covers of the indie-band Belle & Sebastian with the same number of monochrome circles of colour, and the video work "The Robots" (2009) in which an amateur women's choir performs an a cappella version of the well-known Kraftwerk song, without any prior rehearsals or choreographic arrangement. This situation enables improvisation and negotiation processes which create a stimulating contrast to the perfectly staged original by Kraftwerk.
The piano project "Parts and Labour" was realised with generous support from Goecke und Farenholtz Pianohaus, Berlin.

Song-Ming Ang receives a grant from the National Arts Council Singapore and is a guest at Künstlerhaus Bethanien in the context of our International Studio Programme. http://www.circadiansongs.com

Tags: Li Ming