Bo Bjerggaard

Per Kirkeby

27 Jan - 27 Mar 2010

© Per Kirkeby
Hansentryk, 2009
140 x 100 cm

27. January - 27. March

Per Kirkeby's serigraphic series Hansentryk ("Hansenprint") was produced in Jørgen
Hansen's serigraphic workshop in the period November-December 2009. The series
consists of 10 works in the format 140 cm x 100 cm - all in a print run of 16 copies + épreuve d'artiste. Each individual print has been created on a hand-painted background and printed in 3-6 colours.

Kirkeby's new series is based on a number of his 'blackboards', which, with their lucid simplicity and straightforward colour palette, have been further interpreted through the serigraphic medium. Kirkeby's challenge via his work with the prints has been to exploit this often poster-like medium in order to reach a new stage in his work with serigraphy.

With the "Hansenprint" series, Per Kirkeby has simultaneously continued his graphic tradition of 'economising' the printing process and reusing motives from one work to another and from print to print, while at the same time creating a new arena in his serigraphic method.

The works have been printed by the screen printer Jørgen Hansen and his faithful companion "Dudder". The two have acted as sources of inspiration as well as sparring partners for Per Kirkeby in his work with this series, which for that reason he has decided to call "Hansenprint".

Tags: Al Hansen, Per Kirkeby