30 Jun - 13 Aug 2011
30 June - 13 August 2011
Ancient & Modern presents 'DOROTHEA', a compilation of works which the artists Matthias Dornfeld and Shila Khatami appreciate a lot and feel familiar with:
'We are excited by what's going to happen, many works in the gallery space. Maybe the whole thing becomes one collage, maybe bullshit, a risky adventure, lots of communication, huge context. how do I feel in a crowd? How do I feel looking at a crowd, Babylon or Pyongyang? We`ll see (or not)!'
Agnieszka Szostek, Alexandra Hopf, Alexine Chanel, Alona Harpaz, Alicja Kwade, Anne Neukamp, Anne Rössner, Anke Völk, Ann-Kristin Hamm, Antonia Nordmann, Barbara Heim, Barbara Scherrer, Britta Thie, Catherine Island, Christina Morhardt, Claudia Kugler, Claudia Wieser, Cora Piantoni, Corinne Wasmuht, Daniela Trixl, Doris Koch, Dorothee Logen, Eli Cortiñas, Emily Kennerk, Erika Krause, Eva Berendes, Fanny Geisler, Franka Kaßner, Gabriele Langendorf, Gabriela Volanti, Giovanna Sarti, Gunna Schmidt, Habima Fuchs, Haleh Redjaian, Hanna-Mari Blencke, Heike Bollig, Heike Döscher, Heike Gallmeier, Jennifer Jordan, Julia Bulik, Katinka Bock, Katrin Rother, Lin May, Maeghan Reid, Maja Kšrner, Mani Hammer, Mariola Gröner, Marlene Stark, Matthia Dornfeld, Miriam Cahn, Monique van Genderen, Monika Baer, Monika Kapfer, Monika Michalko, Monika Stricker, Olivia Berckemeyer, Polly Apfelbaum, Rebecca Morris, Regine Müller-Waldeck, Sabrina Hohmann, Sara MacKillop, Shila Khatami, Simone Lanzenstiel, Sibylla Dumke, Stefanie van Schroeter, Tatjana Doll, Tine Furler