CEAAC Centre Europeen d'Actions Artistiques Contemporaines

Silvi Simon / Mathieu Boisadan

16 Jun - 15 Jul 2012

Filmatruc à verres n°4 / epilambanein
16 June - 15 July 2012

Silvi Simon benefited from the support of the CEAAC and of the Alsace Region for her project undertaken in Quebec and exhibited at the Art Gallery of Windsor, within the framework of the Media City Film Festival.

Mathieu Boisadan was in residence in Berlin in 2011 within the framework of the partnership between the Alsace Region, the Cultural Service of the Canton of Fribourg (Switzerland) and the City of Strasbourg.

The artist filmmaker will present her artwork Filmatruc à verres n°4

‘‘This piece is the 4th construction in glass for cinematic projection. Each ‘Filmatruc à verres’ is constructed for its different properties of refraction and reflection of the projected image.
This latest construction is particularly fragile, the pieces of glass are stuck on their base, one after the other, often in an open form. It is suspended in front of the lens and materialises the light cone which protrudes like a stalactite of ice by materialising the light to reflect it on all the walls of the room. It is completely rigid and the unique movement can only be provoked by the images.

Each ‘Filmatruc à verre’ is numbered according to its order of production and bears a name related to the film which is projected, but this relation is not fixed ; the films can change.’’

« ἐπιλαμβάνειν » / epilambanein*
*take by surprise

‘‘On 16 October 2011 in Berlin Mitte, during my Berlin residency, my body collapsed. Without desiring it, without wanting it, without deciding it... I writhed on the ground. This uncontrollable fit reduced my consciousness, my will and my pride to nothing. My intimacy displayed for all to see, a body taking me ‘‘by surprise’’. That day, I saw my body from the point of view of its limits and necessities and realised at the same time that my reason didn’t want to submit to it.
The fall of things has this immense quality of draining the superfluous and of reading a horizon denuded of chimeras. An essential radicality that forges a new thought. Few ruptures were more constructive and more destabilising for my intimate logic. How to take account of such brutality artistically ? Through the presentation of an artwork ‘in situ’, responding to the slippages experienced during these three Berlin months, and through the presentation of a cabinet of curiosities combining my works (paintings, photographs, videos, old photos, old paintings, etc) produced or gleaned on site. I will establish the tone of the movements, sensations and necessities experienced during my residency.’’