Christian Ehrentraut

Ruprecht von Kaufmann

03 Mar - 22 Apr 2006

The painting-installation „Als mich mein Steckenpferd frass“ (‚As My Hobby Horse Ate Me’) shows a multi-faceted glimpse into the creative world of artist Ruprecht von Kaufmann. Being equilaterally a painting, a sculpture, and a projection surface, the title of the work becomes obvious to the senses through physical exploration of the material body of the piece. Layers infuse one another, converging into a whole. The comprehension of the viewer emerges as a game of perspective and examination through a combination of diaphanous material, painting and film loop.
Von Kaufmann mixes context and contradiction with his subject matter, drawing on the driving forces of philosophy and mythology. The perpetual aspiration of painting is broken by a euripidical flux of water, objects are taken out of context and placed in a seemingly spaceless matrix referring to origin and decay.

Tags: Ruprecht von Kaufmann