Cinzia Friedlaender

Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick

16 Feb - 30 Mar 2013

© Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick
Hunting in Heaven, 2012
HD video, 17:02 min.
Installation view at Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender
16 February – 30 March 2013

Gut sensitivity seems to be on the increase and it is uncertain why. Many factors are thought to contribute to this sensitivity: type of infant feeding, exposures, infections, etc. Some speculate, however, that grower experimentation with new wheat hybrids has resulted in problematic strains.Humans did not evolve to digest gluten well. For some, gluten is the cause of serious autoimmune disease and allergies. Despite being tolerated by the majority of the population, there are an unfortunate few whose immune systems overcompensate when contacted by the new wheat, and given the almost measured and balletic manner in which it laces our food matter, assault can be instant upon arrival, every shimmering grain particle bringing you to your knees like a scallop split open and laid out like an infinity sign, its texture wobbling between flesh and cream, left inside to be daubed under a base note of murk, you taste but don’t see it.
The uncertainty of the cause of the shift from 0.5 to 1% in celiac disease cases and the 0.1% increase of the number of individuals affected by gluten sensitivity is concerning, if not terrifying, and cause for a serious reaction against both industry and ourselves, given that either could be at the root of the issue. The likelihood of being asked if, or told rather, that you have gluten sensitivity this year is high. It is even more likely that you will experience a dining companion requesting gluten-free items.

Text: Eric Sidner

Tags: Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick