Cinzia Friedlaender

Matthias Schaufler

12 Dec 2008 - 17 Jan 2009

© Matthias Schaufler
„Juni“, 2008
Oil on canvas
200 x 200 cm
“Viridian u.a.”

12. Dezember 2008 – 17. Januar 2009
Eröffnung am Freitag, dem 12.Dezember 2008 von 19 – 21 Uhr

Default Perpetua
Spinning around
the mind
the search for meaning
spinning around
the mind
looking around
for meaning, meeting
the me-thing of the minds, company
you see
you see me, actually
clouds could serve to create problems, foggy
hair style is the limit,
ostracized gestures in the valley of the meeting of us
ecstasy, unexpressed
it’s not about creation, male action
but discovery
creating discovery escape
it’s not about
that which
that which it is not about, layers
affinities business, associates
finish the meeting
go for a drink, I think
clouds could be, could be problems
not before, never after
clouds could be clouds, meanwhile
during the action only
run into bodies
escape from a body
body escape, bodies bodies
dance on the dance floor
spinning around
the mind, use-image, after-image
it’s a bit
it’s a bit hairy in here
thinning hairy in here
I actually see you
anonymous, ideal
I see faces in the clouds
a profile in the mold
twisted assaults
the room gets emptier and emptier, and more exciting
bottle over
clipping, cutting, scissor extraction costumizing hand gesture, gesture
of a different hand
backspace, shift agony and lust shampoo
setting up, the set-up, get up
like choosing what to wear, choosing with care what goes together, what
to put on, put up, put together
group action, like a band, hair style
waving hand

Francesca Lacatena and Karl Holmqvist, November 14th 2008

Tags: Karl Holmqvist, Matthias Schaufler