Daniel Buchholz

Danh Vo

28 May - 21 Aug 2010

© Danh Vo
"Rhododendron Garden", 2010
"L'artiste et le décorateur"

May 28th 2010 - August 21st 2010
Opening reception on Friday 28 May, 7 - 9 pm

Neven-DuMont-Straße 17. Köln

J’ai déjà dit comme j’aime les odeurs. Les fortes odeurs de la terre, des latrines, des hanches d’Arabes et surtout l’odeur de mes pets, qui n’est pas celle de ma merde, odeur détestée, tellement qu’encore ici, je m’enfouis sous les couvertures et recueille dans ma main roulée en cornet mes pets écrasés que je porte à mon nez. Ils m’ouvrent des trésors ensevelis, de bonheur. J’aspire. Je hume. Je les sens, presque solides, descendre à travers mes narines. Mais seule me ravit l’odeur de mes pets, et ceux du plus beau garçon me font horreur *

Ottomane, mahagony with maple intarsia, Berlin 1825. Covering in pompejian red moiré.

White glazed tiles, each with one of a number of different plant details screenprinted on in warm red. The engravings of the plant details reproduced, were chosen according to a list of flowers discovered by french missionary and botanist Jean-André Soulié in the regions of southern China and Tibet in the late 19th century, from the archive of the Musée National d‘Histoire Naturelle, Paris: Aconitum souliei, Inflorescence portion Lilium souliei, outer and inner tepel / Anemone coelestina var. souliei, flowering plant Rosa soulieana, fruit / Aconitum souliei, cauline leaf / Anemone coelestina, basal leaf Anemone coelestina, carpel / Luzula rufescens, flowering plant Anconitum souliei, upper cauline leaf / Anemone coelestina, basal leaf Anemone coelestina, flowering plant / Rosa soulieana, fruiting branch Lilium souliei, distal portion of flowering plant / Nepeta souliei, flowering plant Rosa soulieana, flowering branch / Cerasus fruticosa, fruiting branch Cerasus tomentosa var. souliei, fruiting branch.

White ceramic bidet with chrome bidet battery.

Painting from an unknown Vietnamese artist depicting the martyrdom of Jean-Charles Cornay, who was cut into pieces on 20 September 1837, entitled “Martyre du Bienheureux Charles Cornay, M.E.P., coupé en morceaux au Tonkin, le 20 Septembre 1837“ from the collection of the Missions-Étrangères, Paris, screenprinted on shower curtain made of silk chiffon.

* A bathroom imagined in consultation with architect Etienne Descloux PE-P.

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