
Gute Aussichten

04 Mar - 17 Apr 2016

Lars Hübner, Nothing To Declare (Ausschnitt) © Lars Hübner
Young German Photography 2015/2016
4 March − 17 April 2016

In its twelfth year, the nine jurors of GUTE AUSSICHTEN (»good prospects«) selected nine rather diverse works from the 104 submissions coming from 36 different institutions. In addition to the 1.100 images, three videos, two books, one brochure and one sound installation, for the first time, GUTE AUSSICHTEN will also be exhibiting a completely new image generator.

We’re all familiar with it — that version of a future world envisioned by the British writer Aldous Huxley in his 1932 novel »Brave New World«. In it, all people live genetically modified, content and happy as »Alpha-Plus« or »Epsilon-Minus« animals. They live in a fixed hierarchy and a secure framework, the rules of which have to be absolutely adhered to by everyone. Surveillance is omnipresent and reaches into the most intimate spheres of each and every life. The reward for spying and imperious paternalism is unlimited consumption. Finally, the drug »Soma« makes up for all that has vanished from this brave new world.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, technology has been the primary impulse for industrial
and societal change. The »limits to growth«, that have been the subject of vivid discussion in the 1970s, have long since been surpassed. The facts and challenges that we and future generations have to face are: migration, climate change, globalization and a growing population on the planet, while food and goods are distributed unevenly. There is also excessive exploitation of resources, the fight over these resources and geopolitical intervention. The future »path« is not at all linear or predictable.

The big plan seems to be far away in the future and when it comes to progress, the question remains how to integrate ethics and morality and whether what is possible in this world, will really do any good or is even necessary. The big question that is palpable in every corner
of the world is: »Where does this lead?«.

This question provides the undertone for all nine GUTE AUSSICHTEN award-winning works of 2015/2016. As polyphonic as the melodies of the nine works may sound at first — when we take all of them in at the same time, a concert-like sound emerges. The individual ramifications all go back to the same basic question: What happens next? All award winners offer concrete reflections and blueprints that come back to the well-known topos »pantarhei« (»everything flows«).

Award Winners
Aras Götken // Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie
Lars Hübner // Kunsthochschule Berlin – Weißensee
Felix Hüffelmann // Fachhochschule Bielefeld
Kyung-Nyu Hyun // Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln
Kolja Linowitzki // Universität der Künste Berlin
Jewgeni Roppel // Fachhochschule Bielefeld
Gregor Schmidt // Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
Kamil Sobolewski // Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie
Maja Wirkus // Kunsthochschule Kassel