Documenta 13
09 Jun - 16 Sep 2012

Essere fiume 6, 1998, THE MIDDLE OF THE MIDDLE OF THE MIDDLE OF, 2012, Essere fiume 6, 1998 1 river stone, 1 quarry stone of white Carrara marble 2 elements, each 36 x 50 x 63 cm Courtesy the artist THE MIDDLE OF THE MIDDLE OF THE MIDDLE OF, 2012 LANGUAGE + MATERIALS REFERRED TO DIMENSIONS NOT APPLICABLE COURTESY LAWRENCE WEINER Commissioned and produced by dOCUMENTA (13) Photo: Roman März

A letter to Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev by Kai Althoff, May 24, 2011, Ausgestellt von Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev mit Erlaubnis des Künstlers. Produced by dOCUMENTA (13) Foto: Roman März

A letter to Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev by Kai Althoff, May 24, 2011, Ausgestellt von Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev mit Erlaubnis des Künstlers. Produced by dOCUMENTA (13) Foto: Roman März

Mappa, 1971, Embroided tapestry made in Afghanistan, 147 x 228 cm, Private collection, Photo:Roman Maerz

Quantum Now, Dimensions variable Developed at the University of Vienna by Anton Zeilinger together with his students Robert Fickler, Christoph Schäff and Bernhard Wittmann; with the support of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Austrian Science Fund Presented at dOCUMENTA (13) by Anton Zeilinger together with his students and postdocs Courtesy Fakultät für Physik, Universitat Wien, Vienna Photo: Krzysztof Zielinski

Public Smog: Earth’s Atmosphere as UNESCO World Heritage Preserve, 2012, An activity of Public Smog, 2004–ongoing Installation, 200 letters, postcard petition; towards a permanent atmospheric clean-air park Dimensions variable Contributors*: Dr. Thomas Cahill, Simon Großpietsch, David Hardingham, Hari Kunzru, Dr. Gerd Mörsch, Josh On, David Oppenheimer, Fiona Parry, Dr. David Pepper, Kate Rich, Dr. Birgitta Ringbeck, Greg Taylor, Dr. Alexandra Thompson, Prof. Dr. Harmut Vogtmann, Prof. Dr. Gerd Weiss (*Full credits at: Commissioned and produced by dOCUMENTA (13) Courtesy the artist, Photo: Roman März

Of what is, that it is; of what is not, that it is not 1, 2012, Tapestry 520 x 1740 cm Commissioned and produced by dOCUMENTA (13) with the support of Fiorucci Art Trust, London; Outset Contemporary Art Fund; Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York; Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich; Kate MacGarry, London. Special thanks to Andrea Viliani, Roman Mensing, Joel Peers, Flanders Tapestries Courtesy the artist; Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York; Kate MacGarry, London; Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle, Munich Photo: Roman März
9 Jun - 16 Sep 2012
The thirteenth edition of documenta involves more than 300 participants. The exhibition in Kassel is presented at eight main venues, with many other projects located at sites throughout the center of the city. Over the coming weeks an extensive program of lectures, seminars, congresses, films, and poetry readings, as well as a writers’ residency and programs initiated by dOCUMENTA (13) participants, will be presented.
dOCUMENTA (13) is physically and conceptually sited in four locations—Kassel, Kabul, Alexandria/Cairo, and Banff.
dOCUMENTA (13) is dedicated to artistic research and forms of imagination that explore commitment, matter, things, embodiment, and active living in connection with, yet not subordinated to, theory. These are terrains where politics are inseparable from a sensual, energetic, and worldly alliance between current research in various scientific and artistic fields and other knowledges, both ancient and contemporary. dOCUMENTA (13) is driven by a holistic and non-logocentric vision that is skeptical of the persisting belief in economic growth. This vision is shared with, and recognizes, the shapes and practices of knowing of all the animate and inanimate makers of the world, including people.
Curator: Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev
Lida Abdul
Bani Abidi
Etel Adnan
Theodor W. Adorno
Leeza Ahmady
Korbinian Aigner
Vyacheslav Akhunov
Barmak Akram
Khadim Ali
Éric Alliez
Allora & Calzadilla
Maria Thereza Alves
Francis Alÿs
Ayreen Anastas
Arjun Appadurai
Ida Applebroog
Irina Aristarkhova
Mohammad Yusuf Asefi
Doug Ashford
Tarek Atoui
Kader Attia
Julie Ault
Alexandra Bachzetsis
Bactrian Princesses
Nanni Balestrini
Amy Balkin
Lars Bang Larsen
Karen Barad
Bassam El Baroni
Judith Barry
Massimo Bartolini
Gianfranco Baruchello
Ahmed Basiony
Hrach Bayadyan
Thomas Bayrle
Jérôme Bel
Mario Bellatin
Walter Benjamin
Jill Bennett
Gordon Bennett
Franco Berardi Bifo
Rossella Biscotti
Iwona Blazwick
Manon de Boer
Alighiero Boetti
Anna Boghiguian
Bruno Bosteels
Carol Bove
Ali Brivanlou
Kristina Buch
Susan Buck-Morss
Judith Butler
Andrea Büttner
Gerard Byrne
CAMP (founded 2007 by Shaina Anand, Sanjay Bhangar, and Ashok Sukumaran)
Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller
Emily Carr
Mariana Castillo Deball
Cornelius Castoriadis
Andrea Cavalletti
George Chan
Paul Chan
Kudzanai Chiurai
Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev
Geoff Cox
Daniel Gustav Cramer
Critical Art Ensemble
Abraham Cruzvillegas
István Csákány
Attila Csörgő
Antoni Cumella
Salvador Dalí
Marie Darrieussecq
Dietmar Dath
Lydia Davis
Tacita Dean
Mark Dion
Thea Djordjadze
Willie Doherty
Nikola Doll
Trisha Donnelly
Sam Durant
Jimmie Durham
Haris Epaminonda
Cevdet Erek
Michael Eskin
Guillermo Faivovich & Nicolás Goldberg
Matias Faldbakken
Geoffrey Farmer
Omer Fast
Lara Favaretto
Silvia Federici
Ceal Floyer
Llyn Foulkes
Abul Qasem Foushanji
Chiara Fumai
Bettina Funcke
Rene Gabri
Peter L. Galison
Dario Gamboni
Ryan Gander
Dora García
Mario Garcia Torres
Fernando García-Dory
Theaster Gates
Jeanno Gaussi
Ashraf Ghani
Mariam Ghani
Simryn Gill
Édouard Glissant
Kenneth Goldsmith
Julio González
Avery F. Gordon
Tue Greenfort
Boris Groys
Durs Grünbein
Péter György
Zainab Haidary
Fiona Hall
Dorothea von Hantelmann
Donna Haraway
Michael Hardt
Graham Harman
Salah M. Hassan
Florian Hecker
Alanna Heiss
Daniel Heller-Roazen
Tamara Henderson
Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy
Susan Hiller
Horst Hoheisel
Brian Holmes
Judith Hopf
Khaled Hourani with Amjad Ghannam and Rashid Masharawi
Pierre Huyghe
Sonallah Ibrahim
Sanja Ivekovic
Emily Jacir
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Toril Johannessen
Joan Jonas
Brian Jungen
Brian Jungen and Duane Linklater
Rudolf Kaesbach
Robin Kahn & La Cooperativa Unidad Nacional Mujeres Saharauis (The National Union of Women from Western Sahara)
Masood Kamandy
Amar Kanwar
William Kentridge
Hassan Khan
Sunjung Kim
Adam Kleinman
Alexander Kluge
Koyo Kouoh
Joasia Krysa
Christian Kuhtz
Erkki Kurenniemi
Marta Kuzma
Adriana Lara
Horacio Larrain Barros
Dinh Q. Lê in collaboration with Vu Giang Huong, Quang Tho, Huynh Phuong Dong, Nguyen Thu, Truong Hieu, Phan Oanh, Nguyen Toan Thi, Duong Anh, Minh Phuong, Kim Tien, Quach Phong, Nguyen Thanh Chau
Pamela M. Lee
Jolyon Leslie
Gabriel Lester
David Levi Strauss
David Link
Maria Loboda
Mark Lombardi
Aníbal López
Ada Lovelace
Renata Lucas
György Lukács
Marcos Lutyens and Raimundas Malašauskas, featuring Sissel Tolaas
Goshka Macuga
Anna Maria Maiolino
Catherine Malabou
Nalini Malani
Raimundas Malasauskas
Man Ray
Thomas Mann
Chus Martínez
Maria Martins
Francesco Matarrese
Fabio Mauri
Julie Mehretu
John Menick
Christoph Menke
Gustav Metzger
Lee Miller
W. J. T. Mitchell
Aman Mojadidi
Moon Kyungwon & Jeon Joonho
Gareth Moore
Giorgio Morandi
Romaine Moreton
Julia Moritz
Rabih Mroué
Stephen Muecke
Zanele Muholi
Christian Philipp Müller
Ingo Niermann
Arne Nordheim
M.A. Numminen
Objects damaged during the Lebanese Civil War (1975–90)
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Shinro Ohtake
Rahraw Omarzad
Roman Ondák
Füsun Onur
The Otolith Group
Lívia Páldi
Christodoulos Panayiotou
Nikos Papastergiadis
Aaron Peck
Giuseppe Penone
Claire Pentecost
Alexei Penzin
Hetti Perkins
Holly Pester
Michael Petzet
Susan Philipsz
Pratchaya Phinthong
Sopheap Pich
Griselda Pollock
Lea Porsager
Michael Portnoy
Margaret Preston
Seth Price
Ana Prvacki
Walid Raad
Atiq Rahimi
Michael Rakowitz
Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook
Doreen Reid Nakamarra
Pedro Reyes
Gunnar Richter
Sarah Rifky
Stuart Ringholt
Ruth Robbins and Red Vaughan Tremmel
Juana Marta Rodas and Julia Isidrez
Suely Rolnik
Jacqueline Rose
Andrew Ross
Pascal Rousseau
Paul Ryan
Hannah Ryggen
Aase Texmon Rygh
Nawal El Saadawi
Natascha Sadr Haghighian
Anri Sala,
Charlotte Salomon
Issa Samb
Annemarie Sauzeau
Ines Schaber
Eva Scharrer
Jakob Schillinger
Kitty Scott
Tino Sehgal
Ashkan Sepahvand
Albert Serra
Nicola Setari
Tejal Shah
Wael Shawky
Zolaykha Sherzad
Adania Shibli
Vandana Shiva
Nedko Solakov
Song Dong
Tamás St.Turba
Alexandra Sukhareva
Imre Szeman
Mika Taanila
Mohsen Taasha
G. M. Tamás
Alexander Tarakhovsky
Michael Taussig
Jane Taylor
Javier Téllez
Warwick Thornton
Time/Bank (e-flux: Julieta Aranda & Anton Vidokle)
Warlimpirrnga Tjapaltjarri
Jalal Toufic
Rosemarie Trockel
Mario Tronti
Rattana Vandy
Vann Nath
Chiara Vecchiarelli
Ignacio Vidal-Folch
Enrique Vila-Matas
Andrea Viliani
Adrián Villar Rojas
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro
Jeronimo Voss
Vu Giang Huong
Roy Wagner
Ian Wallace
Jessica Warboys
Lori Waxman
Clemens von Wedemeyer
Apichatpong Weerasethakul in collaboration with Chaisiri Jiwarangsan
Lawrence Weiner
Eyal Weizman
Yan Lei
Haegue Yang
Akram Zaatari
Alejandro Zambra
Anton Zeilinger
Konrad Zuse