Ellen de Bruijne

It Also Says Imperceptibly

02 Nov - 21 Dec 2013

Sometimes you don’t know what you’re going to say, when you open your mouth. In fact, not just sometimes. Thoughts are often being shaped in the mouth, like their wording. Many a good speaker does not know in advance ... maybe the greatness of a speaker can be measured from the quality of the emptiness preceding the words, and by the length of this emptiness. It takes nerves to wait, and knowledge to know that you can.
Take a breath, not a ‘deep’ one, that’s automated talk, remember: you don’t have to swim your way to the last rows in the auditorium —no, just breath in.
And only after the last word you learn if what you said was worthwhile.

A groupshow curated by gerlach en koop
with works by Yann Sérandour, Lisa Holzer, Maurice Blaussyld and Jay Chung.

Tags: Jay Chung and Q Takeki Maeda, Lisa Holzer, Gerlach En Koop, Yann Sérandour