Ellen de Bruijne

Performance Exhibition

11 Jan - 22 Feb 2014

11 January - 22 February 2014

Saturday 11 January, 5-7PM
Performance L.A. Raeven

L.A. Raeven RULES:

1.You are not allowed to drink or eat alone
2. You have to choose a partner
3. You can only take one glass or spoon per serving
4. You are not allowed to eat and drink more or less than your partner
5. You have to finish your glass completely and you are not allowed to leave any leftovers of food
6. You are not allowed to waste food
7. you have to come to an agreement with your partner what to eat and drink
8. You have to make sure that the volume of liquid you drink is exactly the same as the liquid of your partner, using a spoon to be precise
9. All food in liquid form such as soup etc. you have to finish making sure that your cups/spoons are completely empty and if you don’t agree or know who of you has left more in his cup, you have to feed each other.
10. You are not allowed to cheat

NOTE—Any person who willfully fails to obey these rules or attempts in any manner to evade or defeat our rules, shall be liable to a penalty of € 10,00 with each infringement of the L.A.Raeven rules

Tags: LA Raeven, L.A. Raeven