Armando Andrade Tudela
30 Aug - 18 Oct 2014

© Armando Andrade Tudela
Nos transferimos 1, 2014
Plaster, copper, cable ties and concrete
35 x 32 x 33 cm
Exhibition view at Galeria Fortes Vilaça, 2014
Armando Andrade Tudela | Três metades
Photo: Eduardo Ortega
Nos transferimos 1, 2014
Plaster, copper, cable ties and concrete
35 x 32 x 33 cm
Exhibition view at Galeria Fortes Vilaça, 2014
Armando Andrade Tudela | Três metades
Photo: Eduardo Ortega
Três metades
30 August - 18 October 2014
We are pleased to present Três metades [Three Halves], the second exhibition by Peruvian artist Armando Andrade Tudela at Galeria Fortes Vilaça. The show features three series of works that explore notions concerning architecture and nomadism.
Tudela’s research is often focused on how cultural aspects from different origins and times clash in hybrid objects. In Metades XXL, large pieces of printed fabric (canvas and satin) are cutout and sewn in deconstructed forms that resembles oversized kushmas or tunics, evoking yet a precarious shelter. The print on the outside of the fabric display patterns created by rubbing pieces of plaster onto paper. The inner side, however, bears a typography developed on the basis of images of bodies. The words that are formed were taken from the glossary of Amazonian terms in the book Las Tres Mitades de Ino Moxo y otros Brujos de la Amazonía, written in 1981 by the Peruvian poet César Calvo.
In Rama, branches found in the streets are cast in bronze and mounted directly on the floor with a plastic bag at their end. The bags contain objects gathered by the artist, such as cell-phone manuals, door handles and seashells. The sculptures suggest small snapshots of contemporary nomadism, while denoting vestiges of something that is fleeting or in movement.
Nos transferimos is a group of sculptures made of plaster, copper and plastic that alludes to the online service for sending digital files, WeTransfer. The artist pours wet plaster into boxes that store old works, in a way that the plaster absorbs elements of the packaging – cardboard, packing foam, tape etc – while taking the shape of the previous works, in a process of sedimentation and transference.
Armando Andrade Tudela was born in 1975 in Lima, Peru, and currently lives in Lyon, France. The artist has participated in various important exhibitions, most notably: Une histoire, art, architecture et design, des années 80 à aujourd'hui, Centre Pompidou, France (2014); Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador (2014); Under the Same Sun: Art from Latin America Today, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA (2014); Panorama da Arte Brasileira, MAM, São Paulo (2009); Lyon Biennale, France (2007); Bienal de São Paulo (2006); Shanghai Biennale, China (2006); Turin Triennial, Italy (2005). His solo shows have most notably included Liquidación, at the Museo de Arte de Lima, in Peru (2012); and Ahir, demà, at the Museu d’ Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Spain (2010). His work figures in various public collections, such as those of MoMA, USA; Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Spain; Museum fur Moderne Kunst, Germany; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, USA; and Tate, United Kingdom.
Três metades
30 August - 18 October 2014
We are pleased to present Três metades [Three Halves], the second exhibition by Peruvian artist Armando Andrade Tudela at Galeria Fortes Vilaça. The show features three series of works that explore notions concerning architecture and nomadism.
Tudela’s research is often focused on how cultural aspects from different origins and times clash in hybrid objects. In Metades XXL, large pieces of printed fabric (canvas and satin) are cutout and sewn in deconstructed forms that resembles oversized kushmas or tunics, evoking yet a precarious shelter. The print on the outside of the fabric display patterns created by rubbing pieces of plaster onto paper. The inner side, however, bears a typography developed on the basis of images of bodies. The words that are formed were taken from the glossary of Amazonian terms in the book Las Tres Mitades de Ino Moxo y otros Brujos de la Amazonía, written in 1981 by the Peruvian poet César Calvo.
In Rama, branches found in the streets are cast in bronze and mounted directly on the floor with a plastic bag at their end. The bags contain objects gathered by the artist, such as cell-phone manuals, door handles and seashells. The sculptures suggest small snapshots of contemporary nomadism, while denoting vestiges of something that is fleeting or in movement.
Nos transferimos is a group of sculptures made of plaster, copper and plastic that alludes to the online service for sending digital files, WeTransfer. The artist pours wet plaster into boxes that store old works, in a way that the plaster absorbs elements of the packaging – cardboard, packing foam, tape etc – while taking the shape of the previous works, in a process of sedimentation and transference.
Armando Andrade Tudela was born in 1975 in Lima, Peru, and currently lives in Lyon, France. The artist has participated in various important exhibitions, most notably: Une histoire, art, architecture et design, des années 80 à aujourd'hui, Centre Pompidou, France (2014); Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador (2014); Under the Same Sun: Art from Latin America Today, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, USA (2014); Panorama da Arte Brasileira, MAM, São Paulo (2009); Lyon Biennale, France (2007); Bienal de São Paulo (2006); Shanghai Biennale, China (2006); Turin Triennial, Italy (2005). His solo shows have most notably included Liquidación, at the Museo de Arte de Lima, in Peru (2012); and Ahir, demà, at the Museu d’ Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Spain (2010). His work figures in various public collections, such as those of MoMA, USA; Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Spain; Museum fur Moderne Kunst, Germany; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, USA; and Tate, United Kingdom.