Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel

Leda Catunda

10 Nov - 08 Dec 2006


Galeria Fortes Vilaça has great pleasure in presenting Leda Catunda’s new works. The show consists of eight large-scale painting-objects from 2006 that confirm the uniqueness of the artist’s vision.
These painting-objects in the form of tears and organic crescents have been created using techniques similar to collage. Supple materials, rich in texture and intense color, are superimposed, intertwined, cutout and painted. The result is voluminous and padded, transcending the plane of the pictorial surface.
The artist exploits the materiality of her paintings in a quest for what she defines as the poética da maciez [poetry of softness]. This softening of the forms in her creations arises from the totality of the properties of the materials she uses together with their pre-existing patterns and prints. The appropriation of these illustrative ready-made images has become a trademark of the artist’s works and is their only figurative element.
Leda Catunda chooses non-aggressive, unpretentious images of familiar things such as palm trees, lakes and flowers. She also uses her own photographs of anonymous people going about their daily business. The use of these quotidian images shows a critical side to her production that permits reflection on the current proliferation of images and their consequent exaltation, and at the same time it re-evaluates and technologically revives the portrait as a traditional artistic recourse.
Leda Catunda’s painting-objects are marvelously organic and feminine; they are a congregation of colors and materials, a fertile dialogue between painting, sculpture, drawing and printed media.
Leda Catunda has participated in three São Paulo International Biennials.

© Leda Catunda
Todo pessoal, 2006
Acrнlica sobre tecido e voile
[Acrylic on fabric and voile]
247 x 333 cm

Tags: Leda Catunda